I lived there for good while n had my bowshop n controlled burning business there as well as bought timber. There are antler restrictions, Sam Houston n Davy Crockett NWT forest not far away. Sam Houston gets good bit of traffic Davy not as much but still a lot! Lake Livingston has good cat fishing n white bass fishing but a lot won’t eat fish out of it as considered Dallas toilet!, everything they flush comes down river. You can’t shoot on Sam unless hunting or at shooting range, just plinking get you a ticket. Not gonna find many turkeys in east tx can go out west for Rios, tons of hogs. There are better places than Livingston within driving distance, woodville colmesneil Camden Chester way more rural. Livingston has lot of dope heads n thieves. I lived n Chester 5 years n much prefer it n it’s 400 person population, anything south of Livingston to Cleveland is pretty much becoming outskirts of houston