a strong baking soda or better washing soda (check the laundry area) mixture will do it - like Easy Off (actually the it's the lye) - what causes the cracks is alkaline burn - experiment and be careful about the time and be sure to rinse well - too much and the leather will get way too brittle..
I'm not sure this topic has been hashed out. But the same premise has been, many times.
The misunderstanding/confusion/debate/jug passing/etc. comes from the notion that a person living 200 years ago would have been using 200 year old equipment. He would have been wearing a new bag that aged naturally with time and use. Unless you personally look 200 years old, you don't need to be carrying a bag that looks that old. Make yer bag and enjoy. It will acquire that well loved and used appearance with time.
Your opinion could use some back up with a bit more study....
1) Not everything that gets the aged look today looks 200 years old - it can be done light to heavy - if you don't like don't buy it or wear it, but others mileage DOES vary.....
2) Your mis-understanding, etc. is that everybody started out with new stuff - while everything started out new at one time or another, used goods were available and even traded for - second hand guns for trade even went to rendezvous for instance and the Hawken Bros always had used gear - guns, plus - available for sale/trade. During the period, boys and the youngest men often carried hand me downs rather than new gear...that can all be doumented to most of the 18th/19th Century....
3) Gear carried everyday, day in and day out in all kinds of weather and conditions, ages much faster than most folks will ever experience - I have experienced first hand how fast gear can age when you can't always dry it out and it stays wet for days, it gets carried in the hot sun and drys out, it gets dirty and mungy, etc. for days and weeks on end and not just a weekend or a week here and there. Most of todays gear experiences periodic accumulated wear over several months or years and if taken care of - brought home after the weekend event and dried properly for instance, just does not wear at the same rate as something carried 24/7 long term, again that's experience not speculation.
ask anyone who was say on Guadalcanal or in SE Asia in the 60's and 70's and how quickly gear wore/wears out when not able to be kept up properly or replaced in a timely fashion.......