Assuming that TRS had EVERYTHING "in stock"...

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40 Cal.
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
The Rifle Shoppes catalog and online store are a wonderland of firearms.

We all know that they take forever to get stuff to you when ordered.....


If they had everything in stock that their catalog/online store lists,
What would be the ONE thing that you would oreder???

Not what you could make and turn around and sell, but what does their catalog have that you would like to have?


(for me? I'd get "Les Fusil Boucanier" #557)
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I am still not brave enough to take a chance. I have heard too many horror stories for me to be one of their horrors.
German Wheelock and a snaphaunce or 3.

Oh, it's comin' sooner or later.

Boy, do I need to get a life, I'm posting from the shop......... :shake:
oh.. come on! I had the caveat that everything was in stock and ready to ship!

I'd like to have either the Queen Anne Musket or the (638) George I Pre-Land Musket (636).

Mark Lewis
I read that line loud and clear. But, unless I could walk into the store and pick it up, I would be afraid that there would be some excuse like "a computer error". I just heard to many stories.
I realise its a magical time of year but you'd do better believing in Santa than TRS's catalogue or promises.
OK... Dave... assuming I droped you off in front of the store.....

But if you don't want to play, I won't force you.

I got what I ordered from TRS so my experience is not a horror story. Of course, it took about 6 months longer than they originally quoted, but that was ok by me as it took me that long to get the money together! :haha:
I think I already built it :winking:
If you are not a member of the Lollipop Guild that is one BIG gun...
British sniper rifle. :grin: Shoots about a 1/4 pound of lead. Weighs 35 lbs. Bucks a bit when you go to touch her off. All of the castings were from TRS. (I even cheated and put a fly in the tumbler) Sadly enough I could never afford to shoot it let alone buy the parts for it. I ended up building two of them for a Doc. Looks like I may start on a third soon.
I'd probably order everything, starting with the Scottish Musket, English Snaphaunce musket and Catalan musket...
However I must admit if I was rolling in cash like that I would probably be tempted by Mr Armin Konigs wheellocks or 1655 St Etienne fusil...

Must get professional help one day :youcrazy:
That is too cool!

Is that the Wall Gun I see advertised at TRS?


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