Attaching brass end plate to wood patch box lid

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Dec 4, 2021
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I added a brass plate to the back of the sliding wooden patch box lid on my Kibler Colonial kit. It’s just epoxied in place for now, but I assume I’ll want a more robust means of attaching it. What would be the best way? I was thinking of using a couple small domed head slotted screws, to match what is on the butt plate. Would it be better to use a couple brass nails and file the heads down flush? Not sure how it was normally done back in the day, or if there even was a consistent way of doing it.
It was done in several ways. small oval head screws on either side of the release catch work well and are authentic. Just use steel screws not brass. Simple iron or steel nails will also work and be authentic.


You can file the heads down flush with the brass or leave them a little domed. One method I use when I want the appearance of an iron nail is to drill the holes in the box and end cap for small steel screws, then slightly counter sink the holes and install the scres so the heads still stick up a bit, and peen them down into the counter sinks. Then file flush. They will look like nails but hold like screws.
