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Attention Hampton Roads, Virginia Shooters!

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40 Cal.
Nov 1, 2005
Reaction score
When I arrived in Virginia Beach, I started looking for people to shoot with, being in the military, I know a lot of guy’s that are all into tactical AR-15 get-ups and tactical pistols, and found myself constantly defending shooting muzzleloaders and especially flintlocks. So I started searching for black powder shooting clubs in the area. The closest thing I found is James River Black Powder Club, and I never got a reply from the email that I sent inquiring about their club, which gave me the feeling that they were slightly exclusive. What I’m looking for is a traditional long rifle club, or others in the Hampton Roads, Virginia area to shoot with. I spend a lot of time in Pungo, Virginia at the outdoor range, and most of the black powder shooters I run into are in-line shooters. As much as I like Message Boards, there is nothing like developing friendships with other shooters in a more personal setting (the range). Learning from each other here on the boards is wonderful, but sometimes it’s better to learn from being shown, in person. Does anyone not agree? If there is not even an informal club in the Hampton Roads, VA area, would anyone here that lives around here be interested in starting something up? It doesn’t have to be formal, unless we eventually want it to be, or it happens to turn into such an animal much later down the road.

Very Respectfully,

Preacher :hatsoff:
Rodney E. Buse
Hi Preacher,

Guess what? I too live in the Hampton Roads area and have had the same idea. I also go to Pungo at the range and have had the same observation. I would love to start "our own" TRADITIONAL/Re-anactment kinda group a la buckskins and period clothing of your choice. I have a handfull of traditional shooter at work that will be very interested in doing this. An area as large as ours should have a group! Drop me a line! :thumbsup:

Strongly recommend that you check out the Olde Virginia Primitive Riflemen (OPVR). They are just across the water from you in Surry County, VA near Bacon's Castle. They put on a first class rendezvous every Spring and Fall. OPVR has a comprehensive website with contact information at[url] www.opvr.org[/url].

Best Regards,

Sky-Dogg :thumbsup:
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We'll have to hook-up on that idea. I should be getting my new rifle here soon (this coming week I hope), and you know I'll have to shoot it. If I get it this coming week, you'll have to meet me out at Pungo. I'd go this week-end, but I'm taking my wife to Colonial Williamsburg for their Vetrens Day weekend program. (pssst...Military and families get free admissions to the Historic Area on the 11th, 12th and the 13th.) There'll also be several Period Military Encampments there as well. I will return your email ASAP. It's good to hear that there's some intrest out there.

Preacher :hatsoff:
I checked out the OPVR website, it might be a little formal for me at this point. I'm not fully loaded with period camping gear, meaning I have none at the moment. I'd love to eventually get there, but you don't get there overnight. And even though my wife shows a lot of interest in the period clothing and a pioneer days kind of thing. I'm not so sure she'd want to jump in that deep just yet. However, they do seem to have a real good thing going. Thanks for the info,

Preacher :hatsoff:
preacher i am in the navy stationed at oceanna and i am always open to shooting with friends. i usually go to chickahominy, it is free and the scenery is nice. pm me if you would like to get together.
Jax12 and Norseman,
Do you know where the Pungo Outdoor Range is (I know you do, Norseman)? If not, send me an email, and I'll give you directions. I'll be out there shooting the morning of Saturday the 19th...well, to think about it...How about this anyone that lives in the Hampton Roads area and wants to all get together and shoot on Saturday the 19th, email me if you don't know how to get to the Pungo Range. And we'll shoot. We'll discuss all the particulars throughout the week. Sound good?

Preacher :thumbsup:
AAAARRRRRGGGGG!!!! Saturday the 19th will not work! My wife just reminded me that I have my Annual Interview with the District Board of Ministerial Education (The Wesleyan Church) on the 19th. And the next weekend is our first wedding anniversary, so that won't work either. So, the next three (counting this one) weekends will be out for me. Sunday’s won’t work for me either. We’ll figure something out.

Preacher :shake:
There are a couple of us out here in the Suffolk area. I have dealing with muzzleloaders for over 25 years. I am now going back to building rifles for myself.

Awsome! It's good to here from our Suffolk brothers! :applause:

We'll have to set a date for all of us to get together...it might have to be a week night...and an indoor range, I can only think of one that is open till 8:00 PM...and will let us shoot BP. Their Vent system is very good, but they only go out to 27 yds. If you want, I can talk to the Manager about letting us meet there as a group. It is a Military range, but it is on an open base (meaning: any one can get on). Camp Allen Weapons Range in Norfolk...right next door to NOB. Can everyone go for that for the moment, it's going to be getting real cold real soon, so it might be nice to have an indoor range to meet in for the time being.

Preacher :thumbsup:
That would be nice reverand. But you know my hundred yard range in my back yard will work for me just fine! LOL :haha: I have 22 acres on a farm here in western suffolk that several of us practice on. But right now shooting is limited due to hunting season. For we hunt this land also. So I do most of my shooting in the morning hours.

By the way I hope you can get along with a real rough Catholic pard. I used to hang with an evangelistic minister at the reenactments when I commanded a brigade. He came out to the battle line one day with a pair of earprotectors on and a pair of sunglasses. After I asked "What the hell are you doing with those on my battlefield" He said he needed the earprotectors to keep from hearing my screaming and the sunglasses for the flash of lightening that was sure to come down on me. " True story.

There are Christians in every Church of Christendom (Protestant and Catholic alike). Just like there are those that call themselves Christian that are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing (Protestant and Catholic alike). Which is what makes people think that Christians are hypocrites. To truly be a Christian, one must submit and be obedient to God’s perfect will. How can anyone say that they truly love God, and not be obedient to what he wants us to do? So, would I make fun of or pass judgment because of a specific denomination, or as it were non-denominational affiliation? Absolutely not, however, do I hold Christians to the Biblical definition of Holiness that we are to strive for with all of our being (Mind, Body and Spirit)? Absolutely, for a verse to reference, view Romans 12:1. There are others if you would like, I’ll post them. However, I will not point a finger and pass judgment, but with care and love for a brother, I must correct and teach the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). Does that explain my stance? I hope it does.

I am a Virginia Native (VA BEACH) but now live in Germany.

You guys should head over to the where the heck are you page for the muzzle loaders and add yourselves!
[url] http://www.frappr.com/muzzleloadingforum[/url]

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