austin gillson/scale artillery

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32 Cal.
Jan 6, 2013
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Austin Gillson Scale artilly, have any dealings with him. I found this forum when I typed In his name and fraud, I found another member that dealt with him and he helped me file a claim against him.. are there any others.
I had austin screw me over on a custom barrel i had to file a claim with the D/A's office took a nasty letter from them to get my money back 6 months later
Wow how many of of us are there I also got screwed by him for $200.00 for a barrel how do I go about getting my money back? Thanks Bikerbob. :doh:
I only got my money back when i filed a internet fraud case with the district attornies office covering were he lives
Filed a claim online and spent 30 mins on the phone few day later about month after that he sent me a check
I know of a few others who he has screwed over shame to he did do nice work
I have been working with the Kansas attorney general office, please file a compliant, I just got off the phone with the attorney general and I gave them your email, Austion is screwing others. they are trying to file criminal charges. please email me at my wifes email [email protected] BIll maier. or call me 253-273-5879.
BBB has rated this business as F rating for many reason search there site to find out why sad to because his work was good just couldn't get his sh?t together
It has been over a year and I have had nothing but lies from you. you are a liar and a thief. I just hope the attorney general levels fines against you. You are a fraud, beware of any dealings with this lying bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr Maier
Is completely right in his complaints but he is getting a refund and if you don,t mind waiting when a person has health issues and machine breakdowns please don,t order from me theirs plenty of cannon makers out their. If it was a perfect world and no mistakes have been made we all would be happy. But out of maybe 100+ customers you can,t make everyone happy. It may take some time to get something finished but it will be one right as can be seen above and i go out of my way when i am late by giving the customer extra items and or reduced payment good day Bill

And as to complaining here,s mine this company is a big factor in my delays i wish their is a recourse for me and a legal action i could take against them for lost of business
A junk machine from a junk company

Also you can type in my name or website name and Microkinetics to go to machinist forums about the problems i have had with them i had thought if you bought something thats made in the United States Of America you would have some type of support for a paid warranty on the machine for faulty work. As for my self i wouldn,t sell any product if it wasn,t up to par
Austin has been saying I will refund your money then he buys parts for his machine. when this started he said I have a cannon ready to ship as soon as payment is received I paid and no cannon.
actions speak louder than lies and that is all I have gotten from him, he said I have a 50 cal done and I will send it to you, never saw that. I will pay with my tax return, no money it has been so long he used that same excuse the next year for still not sending me my money or cannons, he always says all I need is this or that, I am almost done will send soon, then he doesn't respond then I get the oh me I am the victim so story. I am the victim he is a lying thief beware
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