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Average Practice Distances ?

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May 15, 2003
Reaction score
What distance(s) do people normally practice at?

With Eastern woods hunting and weekend fun shooting being my main enjoyment with Flintlocks, my weekend practice sessions average:

3 out of 10 trips @ 25yds
(sitting for squirrel head shot practice)
(standing for off hand practice)

6 out of 10 trips @ 50yds
(sitting for deer hunting practice)

1 out of 10 trips @ 75-100yds
(sitting for deer hunting practice)
Today I shot at 33 steps checking the sightin with the new front sight I made. The wind was blowing pretty good, so I only fired one shot at 100 yards to check heigth at that range and I did that off a rest. The ball hit 3 inches low and about a foot with the wind. That is just about where it should have hit. I made the sight too short. I had to remove the sight elevation screw on the mountain rifle and I am still just a hair above what I like at 33 yards. The off hand group was 10 shots in about a 2 inch group with two side to side flyers about 2inches either way. Definately not the rifle! I also shot without swabbing between shots today just for the heck of it. I am going to shoot that way tomorrow.
50yds leaning against a tree or wood pile. Next week my new Lancaster will be here and I will start out on the 13 yard line, then 25, 50 and end up at 80yds. I will be using a bench until I have my sights dialed in. But first I will have to break in my new Swamped GM barrel before I get serious with the sights. :grin:
Venice, FL has a really nice county range, but firing positions are restricted to 25, 50 and 100 yards. I do not use the 100 yard range due to age declining eyesight, regularly use the others. Ron in FL
Most of the time I shoot paper at 25 yards off hand followed by a few of those steel javelina targets at 50 yards off hand just for something different (our BP range is also the silhouette range). Every now and then I'll shoot 100 yard paper off the bench.
Anywhere from 20,or so yards, to 150-200 yards.
It all depends on how far you plan to shoot.
Generally at 50 yards kneeling to practice for deer. Most are taken here at that range or less. If I'm experimenting with a new load or new rifle, I'll sight it in at 100 rards from a bench.
The rangemaster at the "shootin' hollar" is a nice guy and lets me shoot from any range I care to. :rotf:
He has shootin' stands marked at 12.5, 25 and 50 yards, then the loggin' road rounds the bend and you can't see the target butt anymore. :(
But wherever I pull up the tractor/benchrest is fine with him. :winking:
probably about the same as you roundball. but if i shoot my 7mm. 100 to 200 yds.
curly maple
I do most of my shooting at 50 yards, but end the day with a few at the 80 yard steel target I have hanging.
there is an old sandpit on a one lane backroad 3 miles from my house, right on the state line. just enogh room to park one car, with a pile of logs up against the bank. 20 yds if you stand by the trunk of your car, 30 if your'e brave and cross the road and climb the bank to shoot over your car's roof. we hardly ever see some one else there.
3-10 yards for pistols

25 yards for smoothbores & rifles

50 yards for smoothbores & rifles

100 yards for rifles.

Set ranges at the gun range for long guns

Less than 3 yards... my Baskethilted Broadsword.:thumbsup:
50 and 100 yards at gongs and paper.Shoot standing,kneeling and sitting.Their is a big hill that has small rocks and I pick one and try to hit it standing at 200 yards just for fun.
The range I shoot at is a traditional muzzleloading club in Lennox Georgia. It has 25, 50 and 100 yard berms and target stands. I shoot my flintlock pistol at 25 and 50 and my flintlock rifle at all 3. All of our club shooting is off hand.
I shoot at 25 yds in my back yard...try and do that a couple of times a week, then at 50 yds at Asheville R&P range, these are all practice..my club matches are all 25/50/100yd shoots...even our pistol shoots include a 50 yd target....I've been toying with re-arranging the backyard "range" so I can get closer to 50 yds...but I'll have to shoot from the edge of my wife's rose garden...Hank PS..I do all shooting offhand,never use a rest.
Wish I had a back yard range...that would be outstanding...as it is, I have a 60 mile round trip (which isn't the end of the world) but if I lose this place to shoot, the next closest one is a couple hours drive each way...guess I'd stop weekend shooting if that becomes the case.

Just back from a 50 shot offhand practice session this morning, .45cal Flintlock, 6" steel hanger out at 40yds this time...I still have fun doing this in spite of shooting most every weekend year round for 4 years now...
60 mile round trip?That sucks.I drive about 6 miles round trip,but I'm afraid I might loose my spot on BLM land.People have been dumping trash :cursing: When they do that the land gets closed.Thinking about getting some volunteers to help me pick it up.Lots of people use it for recreation so I might get some help.