But to be fair and give some balance to the comparison, there was zero knowledge of or involvement by states with any sort of seasons or wildlife management as we know it today. Not saying Wildlife Departments are flawless but at least here in NC...and I think many states...the whitetail herds just continue to get bigger and bigger, continuing to be a problem for farmers, insurance companies, etc.
Our tag limits here have crept all the way up to 6 tags over the past 10-15 years but the herd size keeps expanding anyway. So they added unlimited bonus Doe tags in hopes hunters would help keep it in check, but the herd size just keeps expanding. They've added Sunday bow hunting, but that hasn't increased the overall take. They've implemented crossbows but that hasn't increased the overall take.
Subdivisions are getting more and more deer living in the wooded sections...we routinely see Does and Bucks wandering through our back yard any time of day/night...last week a group of 9 were out there...one a dandy 10 pointer in velvet I posted here a week ago. So they implemented "Urban Archery Programs" making it legal for people to bow hunt inside of sub-divisions...but the herd size keeps expanding.
With hunter numbers steadily declining, adding extra tags, even adding bonus doe tags, adding extra days in the season, etc, there are still not enough deer being taken out to check the herd growth...after you've killed 6-8 deer you run out of people you know to give them away to.
So they rejuvenated programs like "Hunters for the Hungry" to help but that hasn't been a solution...still a lot of time and work to deliver a dressed, skinned deer usually late at night after dark for busy working folks to bother with.
A typical hunter might get out and take a deer or two on average...but the few for whom hunting is a real big part of their lives and hunt as long as the season / tags allow just don't exist in large enough numbers to take enough deer to check the growth of the herd.
I may be wrong but I think today's State Wildlife Management Departments...generally speaking...have a pretty reasonable grip on things and I don't believe the results of the 'market hunter' days will happen again.
Well said . :thumbsup: . Not all , but a lot of states have gotten this way . From what little I know and or read , a lot of southern states are that way .
Our tag limits here have crept all the way up to 6 tags over the past 10-15 years but the herd size keeps expanding anyway. So they added unlimited bonus Doe tags in hopes hunters would help keep it in check, but the herd size just keeps expanding. They've added Sunday bow hunting, but that hasn't increased the overall take. They've implemented crossbows but that hasn't increased the overall take.
Subdivisions are getting more and more deer living in the wooded sections...we routinely see Does and Bucks wandering through our back yard any time of day/night...last week a group of 9 were out there...one a dandy 10 pointer in velvet I posted here a week ago. So they implemented "Urban Archery Programs" making it legal for people to bow hunt inside of sub-divisions...but the herd size keeps expanding.
With hunter numbers steadily declining, adding extra tags, even adding bonus doe tags, adding extra days in the season, etc, there are still not enough deer being taken out to check the herd growth...after you've killed 6-8 deer you run out of people you know to give them away to.
So they rejuvenated programs like "Hunters for the Hungry" to help but that hasn't been a solution...still a lot of time and work to deliver a dressed, skinned deer usually late at night after dark for busy working folks to bother with.
A typical hunter might get out and take a deer or two on average...but the few for whom hunting is a real big part of their lives and hunt as long as the season / tags allow just don't exist in large enough numbers to take enough deer to check the growth of the herd.
I may be wrong but I think today's State Wildlife Management Departments...generally speaking...have a pretty reasonable grip on things and I don't believe the results of the 'market hunter' days will happen again.
Well said . :thumbsup: . Not all , but a lot of states have gotten this way . From what little I know and or read , a lot of southern states are that way .