Ball Bag

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I like the bag to be soft so it conforms to the inside of the shot pouch and takes up less space.
Some samples,
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Then one to the far left that is reddish brown is really too big. It doesn't look that much bigger but when full, it really is. I only use it for range use, was thinking I could use it if I ever get to attend a woodswalk.
I prefer softer leather too, turning that one was a nightmare. I know not everyone turns theirs, but I prefer it.
The baseball stitch bag shown in my 1st reply is different for me. Haven't decided if I like it, will have to see how it holds up.

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I mostly use the yellow pattern. The two bags above it were made from it with adjustments for the neck insert. The pattern below the big reddish bag made that bag, and I don't think I have one made with the huge pattern on the right.
Again, making these, including the pattern is not hard. Making the neck fit and making a good stopper for the neck is the hardest part.
How do you go about making the neck that the stopper goes into?
How do you go about making the neck that the stopper goes into?
I cut a piece of bamboo or heavy cane about the right length, leaving a node at one end. I drill through the inner part of the node, the outer part leaves a shoulder that shouldn't pull up through the cord wrapped neck of the bag. I file as much of the inside of that node away as possible then wrap the file in sandpaper and sand it as smooth as I can, trying to prevent a place for the balls to bridge or hang up.
I sand a slight chamfer to the inside of the opposite end to facilitate fitting a stopper.

The rest should be self explanatory looking at the pics of the finished bags.

I don't have a lathe (or any real talent with tools) to turn nice necks and such, and the bamboo or cane provides a ready made tube. One could probably use copper or thin brass pipe and use a flange tool to create the inner shoulder and funneled passage for the balls. If I did this I'd probably flange both ends and bring the cord wrapped leather right up the the very edge of the tube.

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