Most Terrapin shells are HUGE! they weigh too much to use for much of anything. I suspect you may be thinking of the small, American Box turtle shell, which is smaller, and rounder. I have seen turkey calls made from them, with slate epoxied into the bottom of the shell. Spaces around the shell are left open so that the shell acts like a resonating chamber, and projects the sound of the call. I have seen ONE "wallet" made by gluing leather onto the bottom of the shell, and cutting away some of the shell around the neck hole, to get coins in and out of it. It looked rather clunky to me, and awkward in use. I would not want something that large, or that rattles as much on my belt in the woods. I suppose you could dampen the rattle by gluing tanned leather to the inside of the shell. :idunno: :thumbsup: