I started using it several years ago and like it. At first I hated the odor, but it kind of grows on you. Folks who say it stinks, also says Hoppes and WD-40 stinks, both of which I like as well. I bought some originally so I could try Dutch Schultz accuracy method for dry patches, and as "Moose Milk". I like the Ballistol especially when I don't have time to do a through cleaning. When I'm through shooting, I will squirt a little down the bore then followed up with a few patches. I spray and wipe down the lock and breech area with Ballistol and brush down the lock and breech area with a toothbrush. I have never experienced any signs of rust, even after leaving for up to a week. For the 6 oz. spray cans, I ordered three cans through Amazon a few weeks ago for less than $34 delivered, and that includes tax. I buy the large 16 oz. cans from Brownells or Midway.
Hickok45 shows more than I can describe in this video, starting about the 23:50 mark.