We had a vicious dog loose in the area recently. (wolf-dog hybrid) Sheriff warned everyone to be careful. I took my 30-06 bolt action out of the safe to have ready. I only use it once a year. Last time I used and cleaned I lubed with Ballistol. The action slickered up just sumptin' beautiful and I became a Ballistol fan. Well, when I went to get that suppository rifle ready I could not lift the bolt. Had to put it in the rifle vise and use lotsa grunt to lift and open the bolt. :cursing: Now, I'm wondering :hmm: if the Ballistol hardened up creating that problem. I had to loosen things by squirting with carburetor cleaner then lubing with WD-40. Anybody else have a similar experience with Ballistol? If this is a common characteristic with the stuff I'm done with it.