If you have not seen the photo, run the test yourself: Clean a small, flat length of steel. Outside, with your safety glasses, carefully burn a small, thin line along the length. Cover a quarter the length with a section of food wrap/thin plastic and then spray the rest with undiluted Ballistol. Uncover. After a week, wipe off a small section of the Ballistol side; look for corrosion...Obviously, you won’t need to “look” for it on the untreated side. You’ll give up checking on it before the Ballistol section shows any rust... That’s why I spray and wipe as soon as I’m in for the day, and why I use it, undiluted to clean and store. I have a 42” .32 poorboy that I built myself. The full length stock can be removed but it’s time consuming and I do not like the idea of water in/on the wood, so I used to remove the barrel...Then a Navy Pilot gave me a can of Ballistol...his wife used it as bug spray in the duck blind we shared; my wife hates the smell. I use it on my leather, as well.