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I buy mine from sutlers at the N-SSA Nationals in Winchester VA. I use it 50/50, cut with water. The smell doesn't bother me at all. It only takes me a few wet patches to clean my muzzleloaders. I then run a patch with Bore Butter down the barrel and wipe down the exterior metal with BB. I store my MLs barrel down in the safe.

Haven't had any problem with my flinter. No rust either
Barrel down is the ticket. I have noticeably better ignition results at matches. For cleaning I just do dawn and water, WD-40 to displace the water, then Rem Oil for my final lube. I just haven't had the best results using ballistol, plus the vapors make me cough. There's a 100 ways to clean a muzzleloader, we all find what works best for each of us.
Got a question. Is Ballistol used in any part or procedure in welding? The only place that sells it around here is a welding supply house in a neighboring town.But then again he manufactures hunting blinds and hunting vehicles so maybe he caters to hunters.
Got a question. Is Ballistol used in any part or procedure in welding? The only place that sells it around here is a welding supply house in a neighboring town.But then again he manufactures hunting blinds and hunting vehicles so maybe he caters to hunters.
It can be used as a cutting oil, mixed with water to keep bits cool on machines
I am beginning to wonder if this business about the smell of Ballistol isn't a bit like the gene affecting how different people taste cilantro. I love the stuff. One sniff and I crave burritos. But there is a portion of the population to whom it positively tastes like soap and this has been traced to a gene.
I like Ballistol. Yes, it has an odor. Like every other product in this world, it has it's uses. No, it's not the best product for every job in the shooting industry, just like WD-40. It does make a good "Moose Milk" in the pourable-canned version and it works for soaking locks and other parts for cleaning with the aerasol version. Yes it works well for protecting the bore and even cotinues to clean as it soaks in and no, it is not an "oil" like 10W30 motor oil is. Use it for what it is and dont expect miracles and you wont be dissapointed. Some of you guys REALLY neeed to take a chill pill.
If you don't like it, don't use it. I worked a job one time next to a rendering plant. That cured me forever of whining about smells.
I like it, been using it for over 30 years. I also put it on mosquito bites to relieve the itch.
If that's true, I want to try it for that!
What do you use for rust prevention?
Probably Bore Butter lol.
Maybe it's me but I've never really noticed a bad smell. I use 10:1 water:Balistol for patch lubricant and barrel cleaner. My wife doesn't go to the range so she doesn't care. Bill
Maybe it's me but I've never really noticed a bad smell. I use 10:1 water:Balistol for patch lubricant and barrel cleaner. My wife doesn't go to the range so she doesn't care. Bill
I wonder if Balistol is like asparagus? For some people asparagus makes their pee take on a very pungent odor, others not. Some people have no problem with the odor from Balistol, some, like me, it literally takes my breath away! I still use it but until I mix it down with water I have to hold my breath because it is that strong to me. I mix it with water for a patch lube at the range, about the same visconsity as spit, clean my guns with the same mixture and wipe down my leather goods with it before using any treatment, it seems to stop any leather mold from growing. I have noticed over the years that after mixing it up that it seems to curdle and separate some, looking into it, the company changed the formula a bit some years ago.
I am beginning to wonder if this business about the smell of Ballistol isn't a bit like the gene affecting how different people taste cilantro. I love the stuff. One sniff and I crave burritos. But there is a portion of the population to whom it positively tastes like soap and this has been traced to a gene.
I’m one of those that cilantro tastes like soap. Can’t stand it. But I like the smell of ballistol.
Where would you all be if this were the old days!

No ballistol, no Swiss, no rem oil, no solvents... oh my.
Whale Oil, Bear Oil, Lye Soap, and....Bon Ami!

If you can't get blood stains out of your barrel with Bon Ami then you ain't gett'in them out, they ain't natural, they're Unnatural!
I have to admit, the first time I used Ballistol, I did not like the smell. From the second time onward, I liked the smell. So clearly, Ballistol has psychoactive properties and I became addicted. 😁

Question for the group: Does the aerosol version smell different than the liquid? I haven't tried the spray cans.
I am beginning to wonder if this business about the smell of Ballistol isn't a bit like the gene affecting how different people taste cilantro. I love the stuff. One sniff and I crave burritos. But there is a portion of the population to whom it positively tastes like soap and this has been traced to a gene.
I wonder, because to me it smells slightly like sour milk puke, but it doesn't bother me a bit. Now that my wife has smelled it without the smell of fresh BP, she though it smelled like cat crap.

Maybe that will keep her out of the basement😉
I have to admit, the first time I used Ballistol, I did not like the smell. From the second time onward, I liked the smell. So clearly, Ballistol has psychoactive properties and I became addicted. 😁

Question for the group: Does the aerosol version smell different than the liquid? I haven't tried the spray cans.
I got the aerosol type once, all that was available - I HATED IT!
Can't control where it goes, sprays all over, causes too much waste.
Same with Hopps in aerosol and that 'Foam Spray' version of Break Free is a Nightmare to work with.

Maybe they work for the gear heads who pour motor oil down their barrel, but they are junk as far as I am concerned!
I am beginning to wonder if this business about the smell of Ballistol isn't a bit like the gene affecting how different people taste cilantro. I love the stuff. One sniff and I crave burritos. But there is a portion of the population to whom it positively tastes like soap and this has been traced to a gene.
You could be on to something. My girlfriend hates the smell of it and is also one of the people that cilantro tastes like soap to. Hmmm... I don’t love the smell but it doesn’t bother me either.

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