Barrel Question

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Nightwind beat me to it, I would have said Brad Emig.
But then I reread the post and I don't think Swampman wants a really hand made barrel, since he is considering a Rice. As someone else said it can vary as to what one person consideres hand made verses what another feels makes a hand made barrel.
I own and shoot 4 Getz barrels and I couldn't ask for more.

If you had a problem with a Getz did you contact them and express your concerns and give them a chance to make it right?
I have found the Getz brothers to be very fine people to deal with. I don't have any more concern in sending them money for a barrel than I do sending Jim Chambers money for a lock.
That's just my experience though.

Regards, Dave
The only sources that come to mind would be Colonial Williamsburg or

Bookie from here:

Give them a try, maybe you can find one there.

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I have used one Getz Barrel, well actually two, my first and last. :cursing: The barrel I used had two tight spots one on each end of the tube. Bud Siler told me that the Getz barrels he has used also had tight spots in both ends. You will never find this in a Rice barrel. :grin: It was a tough job :cursing: :cursing: to lap these tight spots out. I now use Rice Barrels and they are, in my humble opinion, way ahead of Getz in quality. Rice barrels have a carbide ball pulled through the finished rifled barrel that will "iron" out any high spots and is almost like having a prelapped barrel. The ball also work hardens the lands making them wear better. Plus that, the proper breach plug is fitted and the barrel has been draw filed and is ready for use. They will also mill the slots for under pins and sights if you request. The milling is done for a modest fee of course.