Freeckforge, My wife wont let me us her digital camera, I am a old goat and not really up on computers, So sorry no pictures. On my 3 guns I have about 150.00 per gun. I am more or less retired gunsmith. My sources for parts are used broken guns (parts guns) both modern and B P. A suitable bbl is often the hardest to come up with, plain maple isnt high a 1/2 stock blank is only 30 to 35 dollars, locks vary depending on source (new or used)Like they say the lock, stock and barrel will be your major expense items, the rest of the stuff can be purchased or made up from scratch depending on your abilities. All of my shotgun bbls are too thin to cut a dovetail, I use a solder made for installing wedge and or pinblanks on with can be put on with a utility ttorch you can buy at Wal mart and other hardware sources. I remember My first built gun ML it was far from perfect but wasnt total junk either. emember they dont have to look and be perfect to be safe and fun to shoot.By building you own you will get a usable gun and a lot of good experience in building, We all had to start from scratch sometime. I think it is a great ideal. If there is not a experienced builder in your area to guide you, I would be more than happey to help via private e mail. you wouldnt be the first fella I have assisted long distance, Figgure out what you want to build, and just give a holler. I am retired and aint got nothing but time to kill yours hounddog