Barrell Problem

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I have an old barrel I'm trying to re-inlet into a new gun I'm building.

The barrel has retaining lugs set into the bottom. Should I remove these before trying the intletting process? If so, what's the best way to do it? Use a dremel and hacksaw?

I tried pulling the breechplug, but it must be fastened in with some kind of adheseive - it won't come out - so I'll have to work with the tang and breech plug in it. I checked with some gunsmiths on it and they told me that glue of some type is often used on contemporary barrel breech plugs and you can break them if you try to free it.

Thanks in advance.
hey snake-eye, is the barrel lug dovetailed in or a
staple, if it's a staple it takes a little excperience
to remove and reinstall. as for gluing in the breech
plug i have never heard that one before. does it have
a removeable touchhole liner. if so it may need to be
out to pull plug..if you do get it out put anti-seiz
on the threads when re installed. if you still can't
get it out plug touch hole fill barrel with break free
penatrating oil about one inch, let soak a day.
if you try heating with torch!!! make sure it's
(unloaded) many guns ive worked on in my shop, that were supposed
to be unloaded weren't..
You are probably aware of this but some caplock drums are threaded into the breech plug and must come out before de-breeching.
Thanks for your response.

Yes, its a blank stock and I was wondering if I should try to remove the barrel luugs before inlettting or treat the whole thing the way you described. I guess I'll do the latter.
Its a barrel lug, not a staple.

Thanks for the suggestion about the breech plug. I'll try it - as long as I don't marr the tang, and don't force it too much, I guess it can't hurt. I pulled the Touchhole liner. Its a contemporary barrel - I think the manufacturer was Alleghaney Barrels. I got the story about gluing in the breech plug from several gunsmiths I contacted locally, but none of them were really black-powder guys.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Heat the barrel, melt the glue. Vent liners will also lock up a patent or standard breech plug.

Knock the sights out, turn the barrel over and inlet it, then clear for the lugs. Inlet it muzzle first against the stock breech.