Barrels for Seneca?

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36 Cal.
Nov 24, 2003
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I sold my TC Seneca 36 cal (already regretting it) to my hunting partner. One, because I am left handed and two, because I replaced it with a 32 cal left handed flinter. My question is, was there, or are there still available, 45 caliber barrels for the Seneca? It seems that somewhere in my dim memory they once offered 45 and 36 barrels for the Seneca. My buddy doesn't have internet access so am checking for him. He is very interested in having a 45 barrel for his new toy. Thanks in advance for the help. Mart
WV Scrounger,

I checked on Ebay and didn't find it. I checked all catagories. You wouldn't have a link would you? Thanks. Mart
If and when you find a Seneca or Cherokee barrel they are way over priced. I sold a .36 Seneca and have regretted it for years. I now have a .32 TC Cherokee and have been looking for a .36 barrel for a long time. I have seen a few but they wanted more than I can buy a new pedersoli .36 for just for the barrel. :cry:
I just bought me a Seneca at the local pawn shop. It come with a .45 and a .36 barrel. The .36 barrel was practicly new but someone had placed a plastic plug in the muzzle of the .45 and it was rusted for about 4 inches down the barrel. I have cleaned it up and even though it has some pitting it still shoots great. I plan on keeping this one for a long time. By the way I give the shop owner $50 for the gun.
I just bought me a Seneca at the local pawn shop. It come with a .45 and a .36 barrel. The .36 barrel was practicly new but someone had placed a plastic plug in the muzzle of the .45 and it was rusted for about 4 inches down the barrel. I have cleaned it up and even though it has some pitting it still shoots great. I plan on keeping this one for a long time. By the way I give the shop owner $50 for the gun.

He had no idea what he had...good for you...nice to have something fall in our laps occasionally !!!!!!!!!

I picked up a beautiful .45cal TC Hawken "Cougar" really just to get the presentation grade stock as a spare, with the pewter colored stainless furniture on it...the barrel has a couple dozen light freckles down the bore but is otherwise shiny and in excellent shape......tried PRBs and Maxi-Hunters in it now and it's a tack driver with both.

Good find with your Seneca!
When I was cleaning out the rust on my .45 barrel I was about to get disgusted. I tryed a brush and solvent for about 5 hours and it still wouldn't come clean. Finally, I resorted to cutting some 1/2 disk out of a Scotch-Brite pad, I punched a hole in the center, then I put the disk on a 8-32 machine screw and screwed it to a cleaning rod. I put about 2 drops of Birchwood Cacye's rust and blue remover on the disk and polished away. The bore is nice and shiny now. Accuracy doesn't seem to be affected in any way. The outside of the barrel has some rust and pitting. I am considering antiquing it with a set of primitive sights and refinishing the barrel in a plum brown solution. What do you think about this?
You stole it! :winking: :hmm:I had no idea real deals could be found in pawn shops. Enjoy the Seneca :grey:

"Stole it" is an understatement! In my neck of the woods, "pawn shop" means "get ready to be scrood!".

Seriously though, that was an absolutely fantastic deal--a "once in a lifetime" kind of thing. I doubt I could buy the tarnish on a Seneca's trigger guard for $50 around here (if there even was one available anywhere).

The best price I ever saw a (like new) Seneca sell for was $150 and I would've jumped on it, but I didn't have that much cash on me. The guy who bought it practically broke his arm trying to get his wallet out faster than everyone else in the shop there could. Right away another guy offered him $250 before he even paid the shop owner, and another guy offered him $300 right after that. No chance! The lucky dude knew what he found--deals like that come once in a lifetime!

ANY & ALL Thompson Center rifles in this area sell for extremely high dollars. Haven't figured out why the Hawkens, Renegades and more common T/C guns would sell so high, but the smaller sized guns in the littler calibers are pretty handy and nice. (Got to shoot a friend's Cherokee in .32 and .45) There must be something magical about them? While they are nice guns, I've never seen a T/C Hawken or Renegade outshoot a good Lyman GPR.

The Seneca and Cherokee rifles are the "Holy Grail" rifles to find around here. Either one could bring $400 easily and probably more! The only reason I ever saw that one go so cheaply was that the gun shop owner had taken it on a recent trade and he didn't like T/C rifles at all. He was only interested in obtaining original Civil War guns and parts.

Whatever floats yer boat, I guess...

Good find! I hope we all get at least one of those opportunities in our lifetime... to buy a desireable rifle for what amounts to "pocket change" nowadays. I'm hoping to find a '42 ('47) Springfield .69 Cal Rifled Musket for $75 Any one know of where I can find one?

not green with envy, but I could almost cry...
A few months back I picked up a Cherokee with a poor .45 barrel and like new .32 barrel for $125. This had been sitting in a local smiths "parts drum" for a few years and the .45 barrel still had a charge in her.

Anyway, been looking for a .36 barrel myself and so far there are none to be found. Track of Wolf can custom build one using a Green Mnt Barrel stock but its pricy. For TOW to do everything, except final finish, the cost was close to $400 after S&H for .36 barrel for my Cherokee!! For that price I could almost get a complete .36 rifle from a few retailers.

You can find some exellent muzzle loader deals at pawn shops. Most people around here want in-line guns to hunt with. Many pawn shop racks have old guns collecting dust because of this. I did see a picture of an old musket the other day that I would like to get my hands on. I believe it was a 1816 flinter that had been converted. The gun had belonged to my Great-Great-Grandpa. The picture was taken in the early 1960's and my cousin was holding it. I called him to ask about it and he told me that When the picture was taken he was delivering it to my Great-Uncle. He said that my Great Uncle then sold it for enough money to get him a case of beer.

The Seneca and Cherokee rifles are the "Holy Grail" rifles to find around here. Either one could bring $400 easily and probably more! The only reason I ever saw that one go so cheaply was that the gun shop owner had taken it on a recent trade and he didn't like T/C rifles at all. He was only interested in obtaining original Civil War guns and parts.



Then I guess I shouldn't say that I bought an AS NEW T/C Cherokee in 32 caliber today, should I? I didn't get it at a pawn shop, but at a honest to GOD gun shop. Was $145.00 a good deal. For California, I think it was!

In looking at this rifle, I discovered it had never been fired. This rifle has to be about 25 years old and it still looks like new ...

I think this rifle will make me a good "fun gun," for shooting tree rats.


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