Beef Tallow instead of Mutton for wonder wads???

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I have used the lamb tallow and bees wax 50/50 mix and it works great for the lubed wads and also on the .58cal minieballs I shot. That being said I've tried nothing else but I'm sure there are oOmani thing you can use. Just ask 50 people and you'll get 50 answers that they all swear too.
I have used the lamb tallow and bees wax 50/50 mix and it works great for the lubed wads and also on the .58cal minieballs I shot. That being said I've tried nothing else but I'm sure there are oOmani thing you can use. Just ask 50 people and you'll get 50 answers that they all swear too.

That is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. ;)
Some times it's just fun to do a project indoors on a crappy day. Bees wax and olive oil, or coconut oil, or what ever works great for a hand lotion and doubles as a pretty good lube. I like my tallow and olive oil for a lube, but there are all kinds of concoctions that work just as good, some better and some worse. I do it because I'm cheap and like projects!
I keep all my lube making supplies in the basement fridge. That way I don't have to look all over for the makings. 😉
As I have said before , make sure your commercially bought tallow of any type dose not have any salt in it . Had honey bees got to the Rockies by the time of the fur trade , or did the MM have to cart it along . ?
I don't know the chemistry of it but have been told that rendered tallow won't go rancid unless there is salt in it. It's a chemical breakdown not a biological process.
Beeswax and Crisco. The solid at room temperature stuff. 50/50 for wads, 40/50/10 beeswax, crisco, liquid vegetable oil for bullet lube. I carry a shoe polish tin of the latter in the range kit for those times I’m out of felt wads.
I prefer felt wads in revolvers, and my two carbines.
Don't see why a proper sized felt wad over powder or over powder card and under projectile wouldn’t prove beneficial in bore scrubbing with any front stuffer.
If you use the "dry lubed" wads, they should work just fine. I wouldn't use anything with oil or tallow as it would seep into your powder.
There’s been several videos on folks using pre-lubed wads in both paper and brass cartridges without powder contamination. With its high wax content and bees wax’s high melting point a properly made felt wad isn’t going to bleed into the powder under normal storage conditions, a thin cardboard card placed between will prevent that even more. .
I agree if you only lubed them with bees wax. However, most of the concoctions I have made require, tallow, oil, or fat of some sort.
Y'all got me to pondering.....I made some beef tallow many, many years ago. It might have been in the early 1980's. I put it in a ceramic pot with a metal bail, like the cheese spread came in. Anyways, I just took the jar off the shelf. It has been sitting there through summer heat and winter chill for all these years. The rubber seal was dry rotted when I opened the jar. The tallow is still semi soft and does not have an odor.
Not that I really need the tallow for patch lube but it could still be used.

The things we see and read about sometimes still amazes me.
Y'all got me to pondering.....I made some beef tallow many, many years ago. It might have been in the early 1980's. I put it in a ceramic pot with a metal bail, like the cheese spread came in. Anyways, I just took the jar off the shelf. It has been sitting there through summer heat and winter chill for all these years. The rubber seal was dry rotted when I opened the jar. The tallow is still semi soft and does not have an odor.
Not that I really need the tallow for patch lube but it could still be used.

The things we see and read about sometimes still amazes me.
Oxygen tight maybe so it didn’t turn rancid.
Beef tallow rendered from the kidney fat make a fairly hard tallow and mixed with wax bees or paraffin works just fine. If there is a processing facility near you talk to them about beef kidney fat that is where I got mine when we had a calf processed.
Render by chopping to a fairly fine size the boiling and straining out the tissue. It is strictly an OUT DOOR job. The tallow does not have any smell but boiling process does.
Good luck
Animal fats are often salted to increase palatability not shelf life
Beeswax and Crisco. The solid at room temperature stuff. 50/50 for wads, 40/50/10 beeswax, crisco, liquid vegetable oil for bullet lube. I carry a shoe polish tin of the latter in the range kit for those times I’m out of felt wads.
I prefer felt wads in revolvers, and my two carbines.
Don't see why a proper sized felt wad over powder or over powder card and under projectile wouldn’t prove beneficial in bore scrubbing with any front stuffer.
Unused beer mats fully soaked in hot liquid bees wax or other hard lube then allowed to dry hard , then punched to size ,make great wads for over powder use or any where else .
Animal fats are often salted to increase palatability not shelf life

Unused beer mats fully soaked in hot liquid bees wax or other hard lube then allowed to dry hard , then punched to size ,make great wads for over powder use or any where else .

Funny, I used to do that 40 years ago and totally forgot about it. :thumb:

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