I got a GPR kit yesterday, and I been working on it today. Well, I've hit a snag already! :shake:
I got the breech/tang set into the wood, and then the barrel wouldn't seat all the way down into the channel. After removing a little wood in a couple of spots didn't help, I noticed the tang has too much bend in it, and it's causing the breech opening to tilt downward. I'm gonna have to bend the tang to get the opening lined up with the barrel. It's cast steel, and I was wondering how much bending can it stand?? Do I need to heat it up a little? :hmm:
The trigger guard is made of the same stuff and it's twisted enough that the attachment flats don't sit flat on both ends at the same time, so it's gonna have to bent into alignment too.
Other than these 2 minor issues, it looks like a quality outfit!!
Thanks for any advice. :grin:
I got the breech/tang set into the wood, and then the barrel wouldn't seat all the way down into the channel. After removing a little wood in a couple of spots didn't help, I noticed the tang has too much bend in it, and it's causing the breech opening to tilt downward. I'm gonna have to bend the tang to get the opening lined up with the barrel. It's cast steel, and I was wondering how much bending can it stand?? Do I need to heat it up a little? :hmm:
The trigger guard is made of the same stuff and it's twisted enough that the attachment flats don't sit flat on both ends at the same time, so it's gonna have to bent into alignment too.
Other than these 2 minor issues, it looks like a quality outfit!!
Thanks for any advice. :grin: