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Best shot I have ever made on a squirrel !!!!

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silent sniper

40 Cal.
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
I arrived at 7 oclock in the morning at my friend's house, our goal...to shoot some squirrels. We got a late start and finally got in the woods at 7:45. We had barely made it 100 yards into the woods when I looked up to see a black squirrel running through the trees 75 yards away. The squirrel barked at us and i heard something close to my left. I turn to see another black squirrel only 20 yards away coming down a tree. It ran down the tree and started off thorugh the woods. Thats when the first shot rang out from keaton's double barrel 12 guage that he got from his grandpa. I was the one that got my friend keaton into hunting. I took him under my wing and I have been teaching him everything I know about hunting. He was able to harvest his first deer this year and he is becoming a good shot with the shotgun. Anyway back to the story, keaton winged the squirrel but it kept going. Thats when the second barrel fired and the squirrel cleanly rolled to a dead stop. I was very impressed with how good keaton has gotten at shooting sense I first took him hunting. I gave him a high five and we collected his squirrel and moved on. We saw 4 other black squirrels but we werent able to get any. It was now 8:30 and I had to be at work at 10 so we started our way back towards the house. As we came along a road in the woods I looked up to see a fox squirrel run up a tree 80 yards away. We started sneeking closer. We kept getting closer and closer. Then all of a sudden the squirrel bolted and ran across the road. I dont know how or why but I whipped up my 32 flintlock and shot. When the smoke cleared I was aww struck to see the squirrel laying dead !!!! I stepped off the distance.... I shot the squirrel on a dead run at 55 yards !!!!!! I still dont know how I did it. I guess instint kicked in and I just picked an opening and right before the squirrel came through my sights I pulled the trigger. It is the first time I have ever tried to shoot a squirrel on the run with a rifle, and to tell you the truth I don't know if I will ever be able to do it again :rotf: But I guarntee I will definetly try again if i get a good chance. I grabbed my prized squirrel and we went home.

After work I drove home and got John my neighbor and his squirrel dog. Then we went back to keaton's house for more squirrel hunting. Over the next few hours we walked all over keatons 300 acres of woods and we managed to get a few more. john shot a fox squirrel and a black squirrel with his 22, keaton shot a grey squirrel with his 12 guage, and I managed to make a nice shot on a grey squirrel. We had a blast. Keaton shot my 32 flinter and he liked it. John has seen me shoot many rabbits with my muzzleloading shotguns and i am very close to talking him into getting a smoothie himself. He said if he finds a good deal he will get one.We had a great time following the squirrel dog and shooting squirrels. The season ends here in Ohio the 31st of january so we only have a couple days to shoot squirrels. I will be out there trying to get a couple before the season ends. I am still amazed at the running shot on that squirrel and all I wish now was that I could of got it on video. I hope you enjoyed. Cheers SS.
Nice...very nice! Some days were are just "in the zone". This was one of your days. Relish it! :thumbsup:
One thing I've found is really helpful is to keep a hunting journal. I write down the whole thing, sort of as you've posted here, but add every detail you can recall, even those that seem insignificant. I've read journal entries from 15 years ago that had become foggy in the details, and it all comes rushing back crystal-clear. Try it!
Yep, sometimes everything just feels right and great shots seem to happen instictively (or is it magically?). I certainly have had a few "How did I do that" shots, and I'm sure this won't be your last.

Great story Sniper, keep them coming. Bill
:thumbsup: :applause: Congrats to both of you on a fine morning.That shot will be hard to top.Good job.Griz
It's amazing the type of shooting you can do when your brain "turn's off" so to speak, and you just act. Nice shooting. I'd be grinning from ear to ear myself. :grin:
Great shot :bow: BUT You shot across a road? I don't know what the rules are in your neighborhood but up here that not cool. :nono:
CaptainKirk said:
Nice...very nice! Some days we are just "in the zone". This was one of your days. Relish it! :thumbsup:
One thing I've found is really helpful is to keep a hunting journal. I write down the whole thing, sort of as you've posted here, but add every detail you can recall, even those that seem insignificant. I've read journal entries from 15 years ago that had become foggy in the details, and it all comes rushing back crystal-clear. Try it!
Reflecting on this caused me to read some more of my journal entries...it's amazing what you forget, and more amazing still at how it all comes back!
Best advice a man could ever get is this right here. Write it down! When those old timers are talking, write it down. I thought I would remember everything until I awoke one morning to find I remembered nothing. Good advice Captin.

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