Was wondering the best method to hoist your rifle up into a ladder stand. I’ve used a pull rope for a bow, but on a long gun it seems to me it may swing around too much and bang into the tree or metal ladder. They always tell you for safety reasons not to have anything on your back when climbing, although I have done this had the rifle on a sling but it was a short ladder and much smaller climb up and down. Just wondering how some of you did it without damaging your rifle. If you used a pull rope where did you attach it on your rifle?
I'm wondering, about the premise. Do you need to be in a tree stand?
Not trying to be a wise-acre, but when I taught hunter safety all of us senior instructors would get reports from the previous year of all of the "hunting accidents". Most years nobody was shot, and ALL of the accidents were climbing in or out of the tree stand. Some were quite serious and even fatal. I mean you fall just right, 10-15 feet, and that can be the end.
YES I know they give you some advantages, and I've tried them, but never got a shot from a tree stand, and then all the reports got me spooked about them. From the ground, I've gotten plenty of deer. I hope to get one this week too.
The admonition not to sling it on your back is because if you fall, and land on your back the gun or rifle tends to add to the severity of the damage you receive, and the modern guys have had some accidental discharges when landing on their back-slung guns (mostly SxS with exposed hammers)
This........ have two of them and should have four or five and no need for other 'gear'. Works great from center fire to ML...
Third Hand Tree Stand Gun Hoist
The last thing you need is a rope to break, a sling stud to pull out or whatever non-sense is bound to happen. This is the best thing I have seen and tried.
This was the type of hoist that we would recommend in class, because the muzzle isn't pointed up at you as you raise or lower the rifle or gun, AND because the muzzle is covered, so that when it touches the ground you're not stuffing it with dirt and debris. The muzzle is also not swinging right or left at anybody, even if you
think you're alone in the woods.
One of the instructors would use a "shopping basket" because it would protect the gun (he was using a SxS) from banging into to stuff going up and down. What he was using is called a "Frail". They were popular for carrying items at market in the 18th and 19th century, and history has come full circle, and they are available again. They would work for something like a half-stocked rifle or shotgun, or a SxS caplock shotgun, but not for my muskets or long rifle. The guy who showed it to me pointed out it was natural fibers so wouldn't "clunk" like a plastic tub if it banged against the side of the tree or landed funny, and it was a natural color.
I might dye it darker if it was me, today. Hauling something that light colored up with a rope, might draw fire if there are any yahoos about, eh?