Can I buy Watson knives for under 175.00??
Nit Wit
Nit Wit
Why would anyone trade a patriot pistol for a knife.
Not as a ruleCan I buy Watson knives for under 175.00??
Nit Wit
Why would anyone trade a patriot pistol for a knife.
Can someone please tell me what I have here?Sell your Patriot and buy 3 or 4 Watson knives
I sold Billy his signiture stamps. Propper gentleman is BillyA buddy of mine owns these two Damascas, ~1992 vintage, top is block letter stamp, bottom is script.
Why would anyone want a plastic machine disgorged pistol. No accounting for tastes.Why would anyone trade a patriot pistol for a knife.
He bought the stamps at the Big NMLRA Eastern R vou's had two sizes script his own hand . As well as Barney Cove from Ontario .another noted cutler . First Shanee was Crabs I only had porky togs but was a member but Phil Cravener 'The Colonel' lent me his capote so I got in for the Feast I did 16' Easterns' starting First Shawnee through to Stonegate Tavern . Shineing times! enjoyed them all even the ' Mud Eastern 'at Salamanca .Eds crew , Went straight from there to' Fair at New Boston' never changed me togs, Only place I rode a Veloso Peed not sure they where pre 1840 high plains . But" they would have avoided them if they had had them "not the easiest affair to ride needed a box & a slope ere you could get it going .Stopping was easy you just fell off. ( Not allways dignified wearing a Kilt) . Like I say ' shineing times ! .A buddy of mine owns these two Damascas, ~1992 vintage, top is block letter stamp, bottom is script.
So can my rifle. But gutting an animal with your teeth can quickly become a messy affair.