I personally have never used it but have friends that
swear by it. I have never heard a negative comment about
it. I'm just stuck on Hoppes #9plus. To each his own. :m2c:
About two years ago, I was given a jug of the stuff as a return of materials as we'd put on a muzzleloading display..I've used it in my 12ga dbl and it works well...since I use hot water & dish soap for everything else, I probably won't replace it when it's gone..Hank
Thanks for the replies ! I had never seen it mentioned on this forum , I've used it with excellent results , but I was curious if anyone else had tried it . :thumbsup: :hatsoff:
I take a bottle when I go skeet shooting. After two rounds I wipe the barrels and continue shooting. After shooting same thing, wife loves that I clean at the range.
It also works good on the hands to clean BP residue. Now I can drive home without the crude getting on the wheel.
This may be off subject but I use Hydrogen Peroxide after shooting to clean the BP gunk off my hands. It does a good job of cleaning and keeps the steering wheel clean to. Just don't use it on your gun. Birch Wood Cleaner worked great and left a great bottle for Stumpys Moose Milk which is what I use now.
:thumbsup: Fox