i log for a living in michigan and you are right about ash having curl in it but what most peaple dont realise is most trees in any species has curl its just that its right at the stump where the tree flares out so on large trees that can be 2 feet high we call it stump or butt curl i have seen this in every species of tree. maple trees seem to be the tree that has the most chance of having good curl throughout the tree and a lot of times it doesnt run real consistant or maybe only 10 to 12 feet up the tree. last summer i had a job that i cut 5 curly maple veneer in a couple of days and 3 trees still had good curl 35 feet up the tree. i sold 1 log 3 feet long and 14 inches in diameter that chunk of firewood brought me 75 dollars. :thumbsup: ash can have some real tight curl but cherry seems to have more of a wavy grain.
curly maple
curly maple