black powder doe in MT

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Dec 27, 2024
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Helena MT
Hey all,

I shot a doe last year with a friend's .50 Deerslayer and absolutely loved it!

This year, I broke out my antique 1861 Springfield and gave it a go. I waited in snow and wet grass down the backside of an irrigation ditch for a couple of hours until the herds moved into the alfalfa field. Man, was it cold, even with my woolies on.

I watched a big herd of elk in the next field for a bit, but they were not moving.

Beggars can't be choosers, so I took the first one that came in range. I had a little skipper step out at about 35 yards, and touched off the .570 round ball. I wiped the milk of its lips before taking the photo...
Great shot! Nothing wrong with that deer...will be great on the table. 👍

Nice elk herd too!!! 🤯
I have shot a pile of small deer in my life, I just never take pictures! They sure are tasty. I kill a good handful every year, and that is our primary protein. This place and another I hunt is overpopulated, so I generally shoot whatever gets in front of me.
Tender Vittles! Taste great and they’re easy to drag.

I’ve taken my share of “young of the year”. Not a lot of meat, but I think it’s the highest quality venison. Given a choice, tho, I usually go for the 1 1/2 y/o does. Still tender, but more meat.

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