Black powder shooting`s getting ex-Pen-SIVE!!!

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I just came home from Deercreek Gun Store in Marietta, GA, where I paid $50 for a pound of 1.5 f Swiss; $40 for a pound of 2f Schuetzen; and $18 for a tin or #11 percussion caps.

Oh well; it's only money!
Yeesh! I know they do their best and I love the shop, but I can't justify driving two hours one way anymore to buy powder from them. I will make an annual pilgrimage, but mainly for parts and sundries. Last time I bought powder there was early last year and it was about $25 per lb for the last Goex I ever saw.
Went to a big gunshot in Louisville,KY this morning. They usually have some muzzle loaders there. Only saw 2 cans of BP, both GOEX 2F. They were priced at $79 each..........:oops::doh:

Cans of Goex are collectors items now. Buy it and put it in the safe. Then tell yourself it is an investment.
I just came home from Deercreek Gun Store in Marietta, GA, where I paid $50 for a pound of 1.5 f Swiss; $40 for a pound of 2f Schuetzen; and $18 for a tin or #11 percussion caps.

Oh well; it's only money!

My local Muzzleloading shop was selling their last stock of GOEX for $27 per pound. Swiss was $32. They just got in some Schutzen and it's $31. Caps run $6.99 to $8.99 depending on the brand. Although, they did bump their flints from $1.75 to $2.50. BTW, I just finished my third shooting match with the same flint!

I hate to say this, but it appears as though these folks are taking advantage of the shortage and jacking up the prices, which my retailer never did.

Needless to say, even when GOEX comes back, I don't think it'll be under $30.


I hate to say this, but it appears as though these folks are taking advantage of the shortage and jacking up the prices, which my retailer never did.

That and deep state gun control as anti-gun politicians appoint anti-gun bureaucrats to raise hazmat fees on gunpowder. Local officials will make zoning codes more and more restrictive so that many retailers can't sell gunpowder nor caps.
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Unfortunately, you have to pay to play. Just have to shop the best you can or take up another hobby.

That or start voting for pro-2A candidates to eliminate the deep state gun control that raises much of the costs for the producers, shippers, and retailers.
That or start voting for pro-2A candidates to eliminate the deep state gun control that raises much of the costs for the producers, shippers, and retailers.

How would that stopped Goex from closing down or the manufacturing rising costs in Europe?
How would that stopped Goex from closing down or the manufacturing rising costs in Europe?

Gunpowder would be more profitable without the deep state gun control. Their ever increasing regulations and fees are intended to destroy the industry.

The politicians that appoint anti-gun bureaucrats are also appointing anti-gun judges to make it possible for anti-gun lawsuits which may put gun manufacturers out of business someday.
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"Gunpowder would be more profitable without the deep state gun control."

That is only partially true. With the shrinking interest in BP shooting, the demand for powder and caps has shrunk! Why are there no production guns being made in this country, no demand to make them. If the demand was there, TC would not have stopped.
Recently purchased a second Flintlock muzzleloader

Don’t need Expensive Golf clubs to play every Sunday, and don’t have a sports car to drive there, or a big bad 4x4 (sold it)…

Transitioned to Bp from unmentionables….

The Truth is ,any hobby is expensive… for the most part- Yet I don’t look at this as a hobby. I’d like to pass along the “Hobby” to the next generation.

So I justify the price of powder… or caps.

Yet $50 a pound? Come one, That's on the verge of Rediculous.

I recently purchased 10 lbs Swiss with Haz fee and shipping, still wasn’t that much. At least I can save a bit on caps as I’ll shoot these Flinters . Gotta pay to play

Smoke Em if ya Got em
Hope all the pundits are right, by November people will be fed up and the R party can clean up! They made a big mistake, the D's, by allowing Brandon to hide in his basement; he's ONE TERM only!
Hope all the pundits are right, by November people will be fed up and the R party can clean up! They made a big mistake, the D's, by allowing Brandon to hide in his basement; he's ONE TERM only!
You need to follow the forum rules. Your post should be deleted.
Gotta love the monday nite quarterbacks. I just bought powder for "x" this week, i bought powder for "y" six months ago.

You all really have forgotten trying to find powder before swiss/schutzen picked up the imports, when grafs, powder inc, jacks, buffalo arms and the list goes on were all out of powder. Sure you can get it "now" for "x". What are they supposed to do with the powder they scambled for when no one could get ANY? Take a loss? They got gouged by the distributor who was the only one who had any! Everyone who bought from that distributor 4 months ago got charged the same price. The notes on here about where can i find powder? I bought 50 pounds because i do not know if i can ever find it again. I bought the last 50 pounds they had and they are not getting any in for at least 3 months if then. They don't know when they will get more.

Hey everyone i got gasoline for $1.87 a gallon a year ago. We are getting gouged now and i am not paying that much. Bunch of, well figure what i was going to say.....
And then i forgot the I make my own BP for less than $4 a pound. I will never buy factory made even for $10 a pound. Way to expensive.
Don’t recall Ever hearing of any prices of $50 per pound of Swiss untill now.

Apparently now- is ok to charge $50 ? and when it was difficult to get ,it wasnt?

That’s not making to much sense. If someone is charging $50 now a pound, Then that’s rediculous as I had previously stated. If Someone charged $50 a pound when NO ONE had it… I suppose that could be construed as “Market priced”.

There is a difference .

Smoke em if ya can afford to
Gotta love the monday nite quarterbacks. I just bought powder for "x" this week, i bought powder for "y" six months ago.

You all really have forgotten trying to find powder before swiss/schutzen picked up the imports, when grafs, powder inc, jacks, buffalo arms and the list goes on were all out of powder. Sure you can get it "now" for "x". What are they supposed to do with the powder they scambled for when no one could get ANY? Take a loss? They got gouged by the distributor who was the only one who had any! Everyone who bought from that distributor 4 months ago got charged the same price. The notes on here about where can i find powder? I bought 50 pounds because i do not know if i can ever find it again. I bought the last 50 pounds they had and they are not getting any in for at least 3 months if then. They don't know when they will get more.

Hey everyone i got gasoline for $1.87 a gallon a year ago. We are getting gouged now and i am not paying that much. Bunch of, well figure what i was going to say.....
Don’t recall Ever hearing of any prices of $50 per pound of Swiss untill now.

Apparently now- is ok to charge $50 ? and when it was difficult to get ,it wasnt?

That’s not making to much sense. If someone is charging $50 now a pound, Then that’s rediculous as I had previously stated. If Someone charged $50 a pound when NO ONE had it… I suppose that could be construed as “Market priced”.

There is a difference .

Smoke em if ya can afford to
So 5 months ago you find swiss for your customers at $40, you mark it up to $50 to take care of lights, water, fed storage requirements. Now the price drops because swiss has brought in a bunch so say it is $32 from a distributor and retail markup might take it to $42. If it is your store you go broke taking the loss. Retail 101, sell for more than you paid for it or you go broke. You all keep on quoting distributor prices, bulk buys. Buy more lower price. Lets see, one pound at $32, hazmat $30, shipping $15. Yep $75 for a pound. Go buy one pound your way from a distributor. Retail 101, buy in bulk. That is how Costco stays in business. Little guys cannot do that plus fed restriction on how much they can have in inventory does not allow them to buy in bulk. Fundementals of making money folks. But do it your way, fine, not everyone wants to do it that way.
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