If you will google Goex on the net, it will give you a list of distributors. Then contact the nearest distributor by email, or phone, and they will tell you either the nearest store that carries their products, or how to order powder from them. If you have friends in the same fix, work together to place a powder order. Anytime you find a shooting match in your area, for black powder, contact the hosts, and find out of they will have black powder for sale there. Then go. You will enjoy the company, your shooting will improve, even when you don't win, and you can get the powder you need. If you are really smart, you will find out who the best shooters are, and watch them shoot to study their form, from the ground up. I am considered a good shooter, but I never hesitate to watch other good shooter in hopes of picking up a trick or two. Byall means, if you are not now a member of the NMLRA, and the NRA, please join. Only the NRA is strong enough to roll back some of the recent laws that have made it so hard to buy black powder. Only the NMLRA is going to worry about your right to continue to use black powder firearms for target shooting and hunting.