Black Powder Source

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69 Cal.
Nov 21, 2005
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Does anyone know a source or sources for buying black powder within in an hour of Tyler TX?

There seems to be a shortage of places that sell black powder or black powder things.


Black powder is getting hard to find. Check the links section of the forum for online distributers. I get mine from Powder Inc.

Huntin Dawg
'Bout the only places you can find it for a descent price in bulk is on the internet. I get to shoot so rarely that I can make a pound last a couple of years, so $17 a pound at Cabela's ain't too bad, but if you want it in bulk, order it. There's some place on the net that has the Hazmat charge the same no matter how much you order, so get a lot (maybe split a case with someone).
Rich, if you want to buy in bulk,like 25 lbs. you can get it from j&j explosives moscow pa. for around $265.00 can mix and match 2,3,4 f to make a case... I priced it there last week,cheapest I've found,and great people too! RC
If you will google Goex on the net, it will give you a list of distributors. Then contact the nearest distributor by email, or phone, and they will tell you either the nearest store that carries their products, or how to order powder from them. If you have friends in the same fix, work together to place a powder order. Anytime you find a shooting match in your area, for black powder, contact the hosts, and find out of they will have black powder for sale there. Then go. You will enjoy the company, your shooting will improve, even when you don't win, and you can get the powder you need. If you are really smart, you will find out who the best shooters are, and watch them shoot to study their form, from the ground up. I am considered a good shooter, but I never hesitate to watch other good shooter in hopes of picking up a trick or two. Byall means, if you are not now a member of the NMLRA, and the NRA, please join. Only the NRA is strong enough to roll back some of the recent laws that have made it so hard to buy black powder. Only the NMLRA is going to worry about your right to continue to use black powder firearms for target shooting and hunting.
I saw a link someone said something about Bass Pro I think in Shreveport aand one closer in Tx if anyone remembers seeing this site please let us know. Fred :hatsoff:
I just bought a pound of Goex 3f at Orlando's Basspro and it was $20. Here's a Link where you can order one pound or whatever with a total $20 hazmat fee. Graf & Son.
paulvallandigham said:
Only the NMLRA is going to worry about your right to continue to use black powder firearms for target shooting and hunting.
FYI...unless the NMLRA has established a lobbying division within the past few months, they didn't show an organizational component identified and active as an official lobbying arm at the national level, at least not as of last year.

I do wish some national organization was focused on issues such as that but I don't know of any that exist today, expressly lobbying for things such as black powder availability.
The NMLRA is working closely with the NRA on national issues. There have been recent meetings between the NRA officials, and NMLRA officers to strengthen ties, and to educate the NRA people on issues of concern for muzzle loaders. With a membership of under 20 Thousand, the NMLRA cannot afford to pay for a lobbyist on their own. It is a smart move for us to association with the NRA and its 4 million plus membership. Join them both, and you can have imput with the NRA on issues of concern to muzzle loaders directly. We need your support. The NRA needs the knowledge about shooting Black Powder that you have, so they can understand why we need some of these federal laws either repealed, or changed to take the inconvenience out of our sport. The memberships are certainly worth what you pay. Or did you think the anti-gunners were just going to say, " Excuse me, I am sorry I inconvenienced you guys." and repeal these bad laws? Do pigs fly???

I recently bought some from Gibson's Outpost in Mesquite, TX. (972) 222-8127

Yes as I remember it the NRA coulnt give a Rs As about BPcrs Sharps Rem rollingblocks ect those guns that load on the wrong end till a lot of people got together without them makeing some money and haveing a good old time...NRA was all over it then.....Fred :hatsoff:
Yes as I remember it the NRA coulnt give a Rs As about BPcrs Sharps Rem rollingblocks ect those guns that load on the wrong end till a lot of people got together without them makeing some money and haveing a good old time...NRA was all over it then.....Fred :hatsoff: we have to get in bed with the wolf will he eat us????? :(