I have to disagree with you. Rat Trapper, and I think you do people a disservice putting out this information. First, all the subs cost much more than does real Black Powder. And, I do mean a lot more. Second, the chronographs show that the subs do not shoot as well, or with as small a SDV as does Black powder.
Third, you ignore the cleaning problems that the subs bring to the sport, in that they cake up faster, and require a bore brush to get the cake loose, they require modern gun solvents to clean them out, instead of water, and maybe a little soap, and unlike the oft-heard nonsense that you don't have to clean your rifle every day, they are more corrosive to steel barrels than Black powder is.
Those are a lot of negative for something that is suppose to be better than black powder.
If you actually did use black powder to shoot any gun, then you would be ordering your powder shipped directly to you, and ignorring the local dealer problems. We have links here to both Graf & sons, and Powder, Inc. which ship small quantities to your door for a price that is much less than any of the subs you buy. If you go together with other shooters to buy your powder, you can order a case, and cut the cost per pound even more. Money is a serious consideration for most of the people who shoot black powder. I would much rather order my powder and pay 12-14 dollars per pound including hazmat fees and shipping, than to pay 27 dollars a pound for an inferior powder substitute.The fact that some local store no longer wants to comply with Federal regulations to sell Black Powder is no skin off my hide. Even before the regulations, no dealer carried black powder, simply becuase they refused to spend money to buy an explosive " safe" to comply with state regulations. Even when my gun club approached a dealer and offered to provide a " safe " that would meet the standards, he would not carry the stuff. So, our club buys powder once or twice a year as a group, and divides the powder among the buyers when it arrives. You can hve up to two cases( 50 lbs.) of powder shipped to you without any special license. That can take care of a lot of powder needs for an entire gun club. And, nothing in the law says you can't turn around and order another 50 lbs for shipping to you the next day!
That is my $.02 cents worth.