Lots of people seem to think that buying nothing but real black will help keep it available by producing profits for the people selling it. No one stopped selling it around here because they were not making a profit on it. They stopped because of the cost of the liscence to sell it, or city requirements for storage that have changed. You have to sell a lot of black to justify the requirements here locally. Basspro and Graf's still sell it, but they are an hour drive away if you hit the traffic right. 2 hours if you don't. The last local source dried up when the ATFE placed the requirement on them that they had to attempt to find out what the end user was buying it for before they could sell it to them. They were afraid that if someone used it for an illegal purpose, that they might be held liable in court. More and more suppliers are dropping it every day, and you can expect a new batch of regulations soon. You can also expect to see riders on home insurance policies that void the policy if black is stored in the residence without following government powder magazine requirements soon. The ugly what if monsters spawned by 9-11 are just now getting around to going over the first changes they got passed. The gun control people see this as a win for them so they are supporting the new regulations. It doesn't matter if you like what is happening or not. Reality is.
I prefer black. In many guns black is more accurate. It is easier to clean than Pyrodex. It smells better also. It is more reliable in a fouled gun in the field than 777 or Pyrodex. It works in flinters. It works well in the cheap factory guns when the others can be iffy.
None of that matters in a world where stores are stopping carrying firearms because looters stole them during a hurricane/flood. A world where the what if monsters run amok and no one uses common sense any more. I doubt very much if black will be available at all inside 20 years without a liscence to purchase and possess it being required of even private individuals. The insurance companies will have killed it for the most part way before then.
I am shooting Pyrodex because I get it for one third the price of black around here. The 777 I have was cheaper than a can of black is, mail order or not. You can wish that cheap black was available everywhere all you want. If you really want that, you need to be making political moves in a big way yesterday.
I prefer black. In many guns black is more accurate. It is easier to clean than Pyrodex. It smells better also. It is more reliable in a fouled gun in the field than 777 or Pyrodex. It works in flinters. It works well in the cheap factory guns when the others can be iffy.
None of that matters in a world where stores are stopping carrying firearms because looters stole them during a hurricane/flood. A world where the what if monsters run amok and no one uses common sense any more. I doubt very much if black will be available at all inside 20 years without a liscence to purchase and possess it being required of even private individuals. The insurance companies will have killed it for the most part way before then.
I am shooting Pyrodex because I get it for one third the price of black around here. The 777 I have was cheaper than a can of black is, mail order or not. You can wish that cheap black was available everywhere all you want. If you really want that, you need to be making political moves in a big way yesterday.