Black powder

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40 Cal.
Dec 17, 2016
Reaction score
Colonie, NY
Shopping for black powder, and yes found some, although I haven’t ordered yet, but I notice a majority of places I look are out of stock.
Are our black powder rifles, pistols and etc that only favor real black powder soon to be just wall hangers?
Is any on else noticing this, I only buy in small quantities so order more often then some probably.
Input? Joe
Many people are in the same boat and some worse. Near impossible to get real BP in some states. The government restrictions are so heavy allot of places don't think its practical to carry the real stuff. I suggest buy it whenever you find it and buy extra. I don't see it disappearing all together any time soon but it sure isn't like to get any easier to find.
I usually order five or more pounds from Graff's and keep an eye on the Hazmat charge. Sometimes Graff's will drop the Hazmat down to ten dollars which is nice. They always have that handling fee though. Just was given about ten pounds of mixed BP along with another eight pounds of Pyrodex so I'm shooting for free for a while. Don't forget to order your caps under the same Hazmat charge.
Grafs has several Holy Blacks in stock....Goex,Grafs store brand (generic Schuetzen), Swiss........all in stock
Grafs is one place where what I want, is not in stock. I did sing up to be notified when back in stock.
Goex 2f and 3f out of stock, even the Graf 2f and 3f out of stock. Hopefully they'll let me know.
Once the demographic for it is mostly gone in the next couple or three decades, look out.

Let’s face it, go to any muzzleloading shoot or rifle show. It’s 95% elderly men. When they are gone, the market for black powder will go with it. It will be even more hard to find. This hobby has NOT done a good job of securing future generations to pass down the tradition to. Sure, there are younger men interested in traditional black powder, but they are very few and far between.
Once the demographic for it is mostly gone in the next couple or three decades, look out.

Let’s face it, go to any muzzleloading shoot or rifle show. It’s 95% elderly men. When they are gone, the market for black powder will go with it. It will be even more hard to find. This hobby has NOT done a good job of securing future generations to pass down the tradition to. Sure, there are younger men interested in traditional black powder, but they are very few and far between.

And this is PRECISELY why we have started a group solely dedicated to working with youth shooting sports, specifically muzzleloading. There are lots of causes, videos games, lack of adult interest, pewpew guns, take your pick. I've found that many of us in muzzleloading don't do internet or social media, guess what, kids DO.

Back to the OP, try Back Creek Gun Shop in Winchester, VA. He's very good about having stock available.
I ordered 6 lbs last Friday, 21st of Feb. I got the Graf's brand. Maine Powder house showed having goex at a real good price too. If you need powder, nows the time.
So, stored in its original container, is there a shelf life on BP?
Based on experiences that have occurred with recovered American Civil War munitions, if your GOEX is stored in its original container and kept in a humidity controlled environment, your grandchildren should be able to use your pet load with no problems. I have used 40 year old powder.
The 3f Dupont I just finished using was hanging on a wall in a powder horn for well over 30-35 years. It worked just like the new stuff. FYI, the Grafs store brand is made by Goex now. Says it on the bottle.

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