These tests are over a year and a half with rifles I made. All the loads following were with .490 cast balls and pillow ticking or other patches, with Murphy Oil Soap and 91% alcohol 50-50 for lube. No wiping between shots or between powders for any session, maybe up to 50 shots. These are five or six shot strings, six because the first shot with a changed powder is usually lower in velocity or out of the group. If not, I included it. The loads are for comparison and not selected for accuracy. Second trials may be on another day and may have a different patch. Even if the same components, the velocity may be different.
First, a Jacob Wigle flintlock (Westmoreland Co., PA, I copied it from an original in a museum here). LC Rice 38" barrel.
50 grains of Goex 3F gave 1524 fps with extreme spread of 16 fps. Another, 1492/63 and 1503/29.
50 grains of Swiss 2F gave 1523/9.
50 grains of Swiss 3F gave 1618/12 and 1623/21.
80 grains of Goex 2F gave 1714/50 and 1750/44.
80 gr Goex 3F 1863/63 and 1832/63 (5 in 1.1")
80 gr Swiss 2F 1857/39.
80 gr Swiss 3F 1985/28 (6 in 0.95" 50 yds) and 2030/36 for 6.
80 gr Pyrodex RS (70 w/ 10 gr Goex 2F booster) 1686/53, (five in 1.55", 4 in 0.9")
80 gr Triple 7 2F (70 gr w/ 10 gr Goex 2F) 1921/76 (5 in 1.5", 4 in 1")
80 gr Triple 7 3F (70/10) 1962/80 (4 in 1").
Next, a Joel Ferree .50 caplock, 38" B swamped Green Mtn barrel.
80 Goex 2F, 1792/53 and 1763/33.
80 Goex 3F, 1925/41.
80 Swiss 2F, 1938/34 and 1922/25.
80 Swiss 3F, 2072/35.
80 Triple 7 2F (no booster) 1952/97, 2041/44 (different patches).
80 Triple 7 3F, 2140/104, 2053/106 (patches tore).
Another Joel Ferree, flint, 42" B Colerain.
80 Goex 2F, 1678/44 (first 10 shots out of barrel) and 1642/36.
80 Goex 3F, 1696/43 (5) and 1664/39.
80 Pyrodex RS (70 w/ 10 gr 3F boost) 1807/114.
80 Triple 7 2F (75 w/ 5 gr 3F boost) 1893/28.
80 Triple 7 3F (75 w/ 5 gr 3F boost) 1984/83.
The Pyrodex RS and Triple 7 3F gave the best groups of this test- may be how I rested the rifle on the sandbags.
These tests show how the velocities compare, one powder to another. Notice the 38" Green Mtn barrel gave higher velocities than the 38" Rice barrel in the Wigle rifle, and both were higher than the 42" Colerain. Patches were not always the same, they make a difference. Lube was always the same, Murphy Oil Soap and 91% alcohol, 50-50. The Triple 7 powder needs a hot shot nipple in percussion, standard CCI 11 caps are fine, and no black powder booster charge. The flintlocks need a 5 grain black powder booster charge and shoot the Triple 7 well, but that powder needs a thick patch and over powder wad. Pyrodex P and RS are more trouble than Triple 7 and can destroy patches. They need more black powder booster and an OP Wad, but I like RS.
The reason for the high velocity spreads with the Pyrodex and Triple 7 powders is because of torn patches. I'm still working on that, but have good luck with thin leather OPWads. Lube not neccesary. Accuracy can be good with all these powders, just a matter of getting a good patch and making sights that I can hold consistently and holding the rifle at the bench.