BP vs Pyrodex

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36 Cal.
Nov 28, 2012
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This has probably been discussed many times but I was wondering why most people on this sight prefer Black Powder over Pyrodex. :confused:
Well for one I usually can tell right away it is blackpowder.

I do use both, but prefer blackpowder, especially for it's reputation in longevity.
Most of the hard core guy's seem to think using BP only keeps them more pure in the sport.
BP has a lower ignition point and theoretically more reliable,
Some say the sub's are guaranteed to cause more fouling and corrosion, therefore faux powders are "un-clean"
The arguments just go on and on,

Shoot what you can get, and sleep well at night knowing your doing what's best for you.

You should see what happens when someone mentions the new plastic jugs that olde black powder now comes in, :youcrazy:
I like black because its 'right'. And you have to have it to shoot a rock in the lock. Pryodex can be nasty to your barrel but is not a problem if you clean as soon as your done. It is easier to find, and you get about 15% more shots per pound. Volume, breech pressures and muzzle flash are about the same. Both have a stong smell. Old front stuffers like myself like the smell of black and think p would gage a maggot.
I have some but do not plan on replacing it when its gone, it has led me to times of embaresment.
I wont kick you out of my camp if you shoot it, but would request you keep it to your self and wash your hands afterwords. :haha:
I never really found much difference but will shoot real black to keep it real. That is long as I can get it and it seems to keep getting harder to find. I have no problem shooting Pyrodex if I can get the real stuff. That by the way is what I started with.
Personally I think Black cleans up easier and I've never had a problem with rust showing up after a few days (which had happened to me when I used pyrodex). Also, it is the only propellant tat works properly in flintlocks and it ignites easier in caplocks (in my experience). It can take a little more effort to get nowadays but to me it is worth it.
Agree real back one coz i shoot rock bangers pyro just doesntwork yes i can but get realy for pain in butt with mis fires
Capers you be ok
Were boom smell and smoke one real knotices the differances when you load 1000 grains or more in a cannon
I like Goex is some guns and Triple Seven in several others. I use what works best in the gun. The gun will tell you in group size what it likes best. You will see others say the same thing regarding 2F vs 3F black powder. I'm not a fan of Pyrodex or American pioneer.
These days, I use Pyrodex or BP for hunting in my percussion rifles/shotguns, primarily based on which one that I can FIND at a "less than highway robbery" price. - As I'm primarily a BP HUNTER, HC/PC is unimportant.
(Neither is easy to find in south TX & both work OK in my hunting guns. - My .58caliber Zouave is singularly UNFINICKY with either propellant.)

IF I was a flintlock hunter, I wouldn't use Pyrodex, as it simply isn't suitable in "rock-locks".
(Now, if I could just find musket or #11 caps at a decent price, I'd be "a HAPPY camper"!)

yours, satx
Semisane said:
Maybe because the search engine on this forum is crap. :wink:
Pyrodex has been around longer than the inline has been popular!

as for the corrosion issues, I find it hard to tell from reading 'net accounts. I have used it on occasion when real bp was not available when I needed it. Always used the water clean up immediately after shooting and never observed any corrosion problems.

there is no doubt that it is more finicky when it comes to ignition, even in percussion guns. Ignition problems alone are enough to make it a second choice to any real BP!

I have chronographed it enough to say that Pyro RS is a very close match to goex ff when measured volumetrically. If measured by weight, the pyro is faster than the goex. Hodgdon always claimed more shots per pound with pyro and its true.
Two main reasons. 1. Black ignites at a lower temperature which is critical for flintlocks. 2. The original formulation for Pyrodex was very corrosive and many people won't use it for that reason. :idunno: But true fact is you can buy pyrodex many places and black is hard to find unless you order by the case! :idunno:
I bought my real black powder (Goex) at Friendship for as low as $8 a pound. Before we moved, I bought some more but the price was up to $12 a pound at that time. when I checked the price of Pyrodex in the store at that time, it was selling for up around $20 a pound. It was not a hard decision to make. I bought about 50 pounds of Goex before we moved and I expect to leave a lot of it in my will.
The subs work fine in a caplock, particularly if you use a magnum cap - zero issues.

Subs don't ignite any better than dried squirrel dung in a flintlock so you kinda have to shoot black.

If you own/shoot both cap and flint then it may simply come down to not buying a bunch of different powders.

To keep it simple I feed everything I own 3F Goex. Can even use it to prime my one rock lock.

If you shoot caps exclusively, feed it whatever you want. In my neck of the woods Pyro is 1/3 "cheaper" than black and I can get it locally - so I'm not beyond pouring it down the muzzle.

If you clean your gun properly after using it, it really don't matter much what you put down the spout.

And if Ol' Davy was wandering the wilds of Kentucky and he came upon an outpost that only had 777 in stock, I'm sure he would have given it a try had he been out of powder :rotf:

Unless you are shooting an original practically nothing on the rifle is PC/HC in reality, so if someone has an issue with you shooting a sub they really must have nothing serious to worry about...