BP's for Survival

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I have one too, dads old police pistol. VERY accurate and dead on with fixed sites
IF you have sentimental attachment to the piece...., get a different one for home SD. A homicide is a homicide until weeks or months down the road some official labels it "justified". Meanwhile your piece sits at the evidence room, and your are disarmed. Use the inexpensive, second hand model 10 that you bought be the one they take, and keep Dad's in a secure location.

Very good advise and already headed to. Have a more effective carry and two German Shepherds (lost 2 need another). Just dont break in....please?

Lotta sentimental value fer sure.
I always figured that after SHTF there would be a quick and ugly shooting war and most people wouldn't be around long enough to use up their ammo stockpiles. Most of the game animals would be hunted out pretty quickly also. Using a BP firearm early on would just get me killed faster but in 20 or 30 years it might be viable after all the modern ammo was used up.
A cannon poking out each window. Five gallon buckets of fg,lots of fuse,and buckets full of nails for projectiles. And for those who get past that and the razor wire covering the doors I'll greet them with my 12g sxs ML shotgun.
IF you have sentimental attachment to the piece...., get a different one for home SD. A homicide is a homicide until weeks or months down the road some official labels it "justified". Meanwhile your piece sits at the evidence room, and your are disarmed. Use the inexpensive, second hand model 10 that you bought be the one they take, and keep Dad's in a secure location.

The Model 10 is perfect for just such usage. I have one, they're about as basic and utilitarian as you can get! Good choice!
I think a BP weapon has its place as a survival weapon, but wouldn't be my first choice in a hits the fan situation.
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I think a BP weapon has its place as a survival weapon, but wouldn't be my first choice in a hits the fan situation.
I'd like to see a good SF program or movie where in the Dystopian future, the main character uses a .45 or even .40 caliber flintlock while hunting deer, while wearing a combination of homespun wool and brain tan leather..., looking every bit as if he'd fit in the Last of The Mohicans, but as he hunts he encounters a roving band of marauders moving into his local hunting ground, so switches to his semi-auto pistol fitted with a longer barrel and a folding stock (which he pulls from his snap sack) to escape and make it back to his village to warn the folks. Flinters are for harvesting food; fixed ammo modern stuff is for stopping two legged predators, in the Dystopian future...

:D :thumb:


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