I had not been on in a while, and I found this thread. I'm most gratified to see the well-wishes still coming.
I ended Chemo at the end of July and spent most of August getting pumped full of whole blood, platelets and magnesium to counteract the effects of the bug juice. I was quite poisoned.
In September, I got to go back to the farm for the first time. I was weak but able to totter around. The Chemo left me with peripheral neuropathy in my feet and fingers, as well as a bit of hearing loss. I made it to the Fall shoot at Friendship, but nearly passed out waiting to buy powder.
I made it out for Muzzleloader season with the Brown Bess, just barely. However, I was well enough to go to deer camp in November and bag a nice buck. It was rather sobering to be sitting out on the eve of the Rifle Opener and realizing that I might not have made it that far if not for the Chemo.
Since then, I've kept improving. Yesterday, I was able to get the snow off the driveway. I still can't feel my feet from the neuropathy, but I'm getting around pretty well. I am currently making plans for a boar hunt in Florida some time over the winter.
In case you're wondering, I did a lot of praying through all this, but I have to say that my sense of the Holy Spirit was one of the first things to go with the Chemo. I know it's a problem with the receiver and not the transmitter. I have faith it will return eventually. What got me through this seemed to be pure cussedness more than anything, but I'm sure at the bottom of that dark hole was the Divine.
Thanks all for the kind thoughts and prayers. I hope to be back out again soon with the Brown Bess with an eye towards pestering the turkeys.