buffalo horn!!!!

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also there's many people saying that the asian water buffalo and the indian water buffalo are not the same, that there's a difference enough to call the indian water buffalo a new species.

Also in many parts of the US non-american buffalo has been imported to breed with the existing herd, or so ive been told and it may not be 100% correct or even correct at all.

I double checked with dad and he has seen water buffalo in 'nam with different shapes, sizes and color on the horns, tho he did say 90% are black

:blah: Are water buffalo powder horns PC? Wahtever that is?????? hehehe You know how I feel about PC !Lonesomebob
Musketman said:
Ed Street said:
what? Your saying these 2 horns are cow horns and not bubalus bubalis (buffalo)? What makes you say it's cow?


Well, I for one didn't see the bubalus bubalis specification...


I guess they are what you ordered, wow, I learned something new today... (besides eating a slice of humble pie)
That's 30 days in a hole for you Musket Man :grin:
lonesomebob said:
:blah: Are water buffalo powder horns PC? Wahtever that is?????? hehehe You know how I feel about PC !Lonesomebob

If your recreating a persona from Southeast Asia, I reckon. :hmm:
Cooner54 said:
I thought you were talking american buffalo, Bison bison. I don't know why those scientifics have to say it twice but they do.

They say Bison Bison to differentiate the american bison from the european bison, bison bonasus, as well as several species of extinct bison. Bison and buffalo are only distantly related and you can't make a powder horn out of a water buffalo horn. At least not by using the same method.
I know Trigger. I was just funnin' ya. I have what some call a VERY dry sense of humor. You'll get used to it if ya hang with me long enough. :thumbsup:
I can't even think straight. My daughter is practicing her Sax and by the sound of it, I best load my Hawken for any love sick bull moose that may come steam rollin' through here. :shocked2:
I knew that. But I don't often get a chance to use a word like bonasus, in fact hardly anyone does.
Bison and buffalo are only distantly related and you can't make a powder horn out of a water buffalo horn. At least not by using the same method.

Im not sure I follow you on this one, can you elaborate on that some?

Bonasus! Bonasas! Yep, it does have a somewhat poetic ring to it don't it. :grin: Pretty impressive to when ya say it twice. Maybe that's why those scientific types say it twice. :winking:
I wonder what kind of critter you would wind up with between a Bonasus Bonasas and a Bison Bonasas and a Bison Bison.
I would think any kind of horn that has a core could be made into a powder horn or a salt horn or any other container that is made out of horn.
Ed Street said:
Bison and buffalo are only distantly related and you can't make a powder horn out of a water buffalo horn. At least not by using the same method.

Im not sure I follow you on this one, can you elaborate on that some?


A cow horn has an outer shell(don't know the exact nomenclature for horn anatomy) that is relatively thin and with a thick core. The water buffalo horn that I have seen has a very thick outer shell and a narrow core, less than 1/3 of the total horn diameter. When the core is removed from a water buffalo horn, there will be very little volume for holding powder.
Ed Street said:
Bison and buffalo are only distantly related and you can't make a powder horn out of a water buffalo horn. At least not by using the same method.

Im not sure I follow you on this one, can you elaborate on that some?



Water buffalo horns tend to be flat rather than round and my experience is that the layers of horn tend to "break off" or "splinter" when working a water bufflao horn. Not nice material to try and work with. Also you will find that a lot of water buffalo horns suffer from delamination of the layers of horn. I make quite a few powder horns and would never again try and make one out of water buffalo horn. Working American Bison horn is frustrating enough. Go ahead and try using the horns you have, but my best suggestion would be to use the ones you have for decoration around the house or shop and purchase yourself an American Bison horn or a good cow/steer horn to make into a powder horn. Good American Bison Horns and cow/steer horns are available at really cheap prices considering what the finished product will be worth.

Your mileage with the water buffalo horns may vary, just relating my experience with such horns.

Randy Hedden
Ah yes! I learned something new today. I am definately going to use these as decor because they look to good to ruin.

will more than likely start on the rams horn first before I buy practice material.


This is a section of water buffalo horn. Thick outer layer but plenty of room inside for powder.

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