Thanks for the kind words, folks.
That little bull might've weighed 700kg, I'm guessing. A bigger bull might hit 1000kg.
It was an hour's hike back to the car, and then another thirty minutes before I was home, but that's fine for meat. No worries.
As for snakes, I got a fright by one black-headed python earlier in the year - heard him hissing at me in the grass at my feet, saw him and backed-off. Then we nearly stood on a good-sized brown in the front yard on the way to work one morning. That one got the shovel treatment. But the snakes have really copped a flogging here from the cane toads, which arrived from Queensland about twelve years ago. Some animals are slowly developing either knowledge or immunity, and are coming back. I'd be more worried about snakes in the southern parts of Australia (or northern WA where the toads haven't arrived; or all of Queensland where I'm told snake numbers are good despite the toads) or the USA with all your rattlers that could be anywhere (that's another thing, here - snakes can really only be found in certain places as a general rule).