The progress thus far has been the barrel was blued using Brownell's Oxpho paste. It turned out nicer than I expected and was really easy. I might apply another coating after smoothing it over with some 00 steel wool. I'm not exactly positive yet because it looks really nice thus far. I did a mockup fitting all of the furniture and everything fits really nice. I did remove a very small amount too much wood in the front at the bottom of the lock but I can always fill that in if needed. It's pretty minimal. I got the stock sanded down baby smooth and applied a few light rubbings using boiled linseed oil. Everything soaked in really well with no noticeable drips or uneven damp spots. I'm going to let it dry a good 24 hours then do a very light sanding with some 1200 grit paper if it looks dry enough. I'll hit it again with more boiled linseed oil and maybe repeat this three or so more times each day until I like the results. I've not decided on what wax I want to apply to to the stock as I'm really liking the lighter colors the oil is bringing out and not sure that I want to make it very much darker.
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