I must confess that from time to time, I have dry balled my rifle but it is a rarity. Those CO2 devices do a great job but you have to consider how often you manage to dry ball your rifle, how long an opened CO2 cartridge is good and what is the cost of a cartridge. You have to also figure in the original cost of the device. Given the infrequency with which I manage to dry ball my rifle, I would likely get only one discharge from a cartridge and the rest would be left to slowly leak away in my range box. That would make the cost per ball removal considerably more with CO2 than with a pinch of black powder. There is no question that they are a great device that is very convenient and does a great job of dislodging a stuck ball, but being a cheap a....uh ...frugal sole, I will stick to using a dab of black powder to dislodge any stuck ball that I might encounter. For those for whom the convenience is worth the cost, they are dandy.