Button on bag flap

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40 Cal.
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Some images, as in Grant's book, show bags with a button to hold the flap in place. Seems like a logical way to keep contents in place, especially if falling or slipping.

What are these made of (brass, copper, pewter, horn, etc)? And what is their diameter, and are the flap holes left plain or stiched?
I'm not sure about any historic relevance, but these and the same size with a 6-point star on them have been my choice. I don't see the star version on the TOW site right now, but that's where I got them in the past. That 3/4" size works out just about right. Any smaller is too small, and bigger is too big for my taste and fumbly fingers.
Most of the time if I use a button it's similar to what Brownbear showed. A brass French jackets button I believe it's called.

Of course a piece of antler will work and look good too.
-----NO BUTTON-----when I wanna get my hand in the bag I don't wanna unbutton it first-----NO BUTTON-----
rubincam said:
-----NO BUTTON-----when I wanna get my hand in the bag I don't wanna unbutton it first-----NO BUTTON-----

Most people who contact me request no button. So I've gotten to the point I make them without buttons, they can always be added later if one desires. But his question was about buttons on a flap. Myself I have 3 guns, 3 bags, 2 without buttons. Only 1 has a button, but I tried to make them all different too. :v
Same here. The exception is small pockets on front or back with their own flaps. But the main pocket just seems to "work better" with no button. Variations of bags like this have both, and I'm starting to really like them for keeping gear sorted. Less to tangle your hands in the main pouch if you can get stuff out into secure outer pockets. Pure practical, and I don't have a clue about PC.
My next planned bag will have a little strap and buckle to close the flap...

rubincam said:
-----NO BUTTON-----when I wanna get my hand in the bag I don't wanna unbutton it first-----NO BUTTON-----

After you slip and tumble down a slope, and end up with an empty bag, spend the next 30 minutes rounding all of the contents up, you'll use some sort of positive fastening system.
I have one bag with a button and a thong which wraps around it a time or two to keep it closed, works well enough so far, faster than undoing a button from a buttonhole for me.
What Wick says makes sense..Moccasins on pine needles going down hill very slippery..
I live and hunt in some of the "slickest" terrain around, and I've spent about as much time upside down and sliding as right side up. It's taught me a couple of important lessons about bags.

The earliest ones I built had the back and flap as one piece. Those darned things would spill even without a fall, if you didn't have a clasp of some sort.

In recent years I've built with the back and flap as separate pieces, with a seam across the top along the lines of what you see here or here. I like to double the leather for my flaps so it's thicker and stiffer, too. Along with the strap sewed in right up there at the top seam, it results in a real stiff "joint" where the back and flap join.

The combination of all that has resulted in bags that are really secure, even without a clasp. They just don't spill, even as they are quick and easy to get into. And I've tested the heck out of their spill potential! :surrender:
[ have one bag with a button and a thong which wraps around it a time or two to keep it closed,]

I do something similarly - I make a button from antler ot wood, and attach it to the bag body; then sew a rawhide loop to the underside of the flap, with just enough loop size to barely make it over the button (as it will stretch).

I leave it buttoned during transits, etc, but unbotton when I'm on a deer or squirrel stand - as I don't normally walk along hoping to jump shoot game (I'm a klutz :wink: )


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