C&B shooters...opinions needed!

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Kilborn said:
If you don't mind me chiming in, the Dragoon grip is not as long as the '60 Army, in fact I have always felt it was a comfortable half-way point between the '51 and the '60.

Claypipe hit the issue on the head, the grip is part of the equation, the weight of the revolver hanging off your wrist in your hand is the rest.(I don't do two handed grips on my period revolvers, only my modern self defense guns).

Try to handle one of these horse pistols and I mean handle it. Hold it out there like your shooting it. Sight down the barrel. Do it for a while and if it seems "fun" go for it. :grin:

If you find that beauty from the gun case turns into a boat anchor in your hands... well.... I spent hard earned cash on setting my Dragoon up nice before ever handling it or shooting it. Boat anchor, not fun to shoot. :redface:

I have a shooting partner who is smaller, slighter guy who has bigger hands and he loves shooting his 2nd model Dragoon, so much he got 45 Colt conversion cylinder fitted to it. i can out shoot him with it at the range, but it gives me no pleasure...


Having owned and enjoyed both I'd be hard pressed to nay say either one. But I sure would like to try the Walker with a four or five inch barrel.
GoodCheer said:
Having owned and enjoyed both I'd be hard pressed to nay say either one. But I sure would like to try the Walker with a four or five inch barrel.

Ya MIGHT just set a sumpthin on FIRE up close with that THING :shocked2: :haha:

I'm going to have a Walker before too much more time slips by!
I've wanted one ever since I got to hold an original one.
Well here is what I can say about my Walker and it's accuracy with handling characterisitcs. About a month or so ago I loaded up my 10 year old. We went down to our range and stoof at the 25 yard line. I loaded it up with a 60gr charge of fffg. I handed it over to the Lad. He cocks it as he raised the barell. Levels off and fires. Hit dead center of the head on a human sillouete. He put the gun down on the table and looked up at me smiling. Of course when it went off I got several heads turning wondering what it the heck just went off as they are pretty distinct in sound. Yep, good gun you won't regret picking one up.
David Teague said:
Celt5494 said:
About a month or so ago I loaded up my 10 year old.

How many grains and do you use 3F cause of his age... :rotf:

I had to READ it twice too! :haha: How many grains does a 10 year old have for breakfast? :rotf:
My Walker & I won the revolver division at today's local club match. It was a blanket shoot and I came home with a pound of 3Fg Goex, a box of 100 .22's and a box of 12 ga. 1 oz. Game Loads! Rifle & pistol score were added together for an aggregate, and I got to pick second off the blanket!

Walkers Rule! :haha: :shocked2: :)

Ended up with a 85x100 on a B-19 at 25 yards. Smoke blowing straight back into MY face :) :shocked2: :haha: :rotf: with everything in the black :thumbsup: .

Nope those were loaded up for me. He regularly goes out and shoots anything I have in my arsenal without knowing it's kicking pretty darn hard because I haven't told him it does. He's a natural and doesn't have the pre-conceived notions that it's going to kick hard so he will miss his target.

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