I keep hearing/seeing it stated that C&B revolvers are more accurate with reduced loads. Around 15-20 grs. for a .44. I really don't see this. I tried a few light loads but didn't like them. I like the buck and roar. I also like it that when I hit something it knows it's been hit, not tickled. Now maybe if I just punched paper I might could make one hole groups at 15 yds. with reduced loads but that doesn't impress me. About the only time I punch paper is finding the difference between POA and POI. With my 35 gr. loads I don't seem to have a problem killing Coke cans at 25 yds. I can ring a 16" steel plate at 25 yds. without trying(unless I try to go fast). I don't hear the same thing being said about bp cartridge guns. Why is that? Seems to me the only real difference between a .44 C&B and a .45 Colt is the case. Why don't people advocate reuced loads in them for increased accuracy? I load 35 grs. in my 44-40's and they're pretty danged accurate. Just wondering.