Cabelas/Williams Firesight Fit?

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32 Cal.
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
What did you guys replace your cabelas hawking rear sight with I got a Williams fire sight with the true glow and im hoping it will fit but im not sure.
I put this sight on my TC Hawken. Don't want a Tru Glo Sight on a Traditional Muzzleloader.


giotundo said:
Will the true glow williams foresight fit a cabelas hawkens?

They have one that fits the "Cabela's Octagon Hawkins" listed on their web page. I put one on my CVA as I needed it to see the sights these as my eyes are not what they used to be these days and it works fine for me.

I figured that my CVA really wasn't a "traditional" muzzleloader so it really didn't matter.:rotf: I only use it for hunting anyway.

The fit was fine for the rear sight and the front dove tail was tight and I had to file the dove tail for a proper fit. Get the brass dove tail punch from TOW to tap the old sights out and the new one in. Some are tapered so go left to right.
