Cabin Fever Blows

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Ed......Thanks from the heart for your concern about my wife. She had three of the covid shots , then got covid , or one of it's clones. This lasted for 5 wks. I got it also , lasting 3 weeks. These sickness's were in May. Went through a normal summer until Memorial day. Wife had an event of , A-Fib , where the heart beats so fast , it's not pumping . Went to the Emergency room , heart had gone back to normal rhythm, but the Dr. said her blood chemicals were abnormal, evidentiary , of the event. Two weeks passed , A-Fib struck again , and to a different ,and closest , Emergency room. They tried chemicals to slow her heart to no avail. They shocked her twice , and finally, got her heart rate down from 184 , to 70. A heart cath. showed a perfectly clean set of vessels , and a "Watchman Procedure" will be done to prevent future blood clots. She will possibly be on a $600 a month drug for the rest of her life , but she's well worth it..........oldwood...............Just a suggestion , stay away from any more jabs. Blessings to everyone that the covid jabs don't damage your hearts , as well. We were all lied to.
We go hunting in the rain and snow, only thing that happens from Sept to May.
This winter I finished up the 1860, now we go and see how it does in the rain.
For if I wait till nice weather, it will be summer and thats Harley time.
We joke about "cabin fever", but it was a real thing. People could be cooped up inside with a wood fire to keep warm as snow piled up, drifting to the point carbon monoxide poisoning set in due to lack of fresh air. Besides making folks sick, sometimes they went mad. Bizarre stories - killed family, ran around naked in the snow, such as that. Chalked up to "cabin fever".

Worst thing about being cooped up tonight are dog farts.
Those are bad. Poor old dogs.
I had an across the street neighbor that was quite a jerk, Mike. He had a big black lab named JC. I was cutting up a deer one year and poor old JC came across to check out what was up. While he was there he ended up eating bunch of raw scrap venison, I really didn't think much about it. JC went home and the next day Mike, who'd not seen me butchering my deer, came over. The expletives came fast and furious, nothing I should repeat here. He'd no idea what that GD dog had gotten into he was overwhelmed by the quantity and awful smell of the dog farts JC had come down with. To add insult to injury poor Mike had quite a load of dog diarrhea he had to clean up. Such a thing never happened to a more deserving guy. He never figured out the deer butchering connection.
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Ed......Thanks from the heart for your concern about my wife. She had three of the covid shots , then got covid , or one of it's clones. This lasted for 5 wks. I got it also , lasting 3 weeks. These sickness's were in May. Went through a normal summer until Memorial day. Wife had an event of , A-Fib , where the heart beats so fast , it's not pumping . Went to the Emergency room , heart had gone back to normal rhythm, but the Dr. said her blood chemicals were abnormal, evidentiary , of the event. Two weeks passed , A-Fib struck again , and to a different ,and closest , Emergency room. They tried chemicals to slow her heart to no avail. They shocked her twice , and finally, got her heart rate down from 184 , to 70. A heart cath. showed a perfectly clean set of vessels , and a "Watchman Procedure" will be done to prevent future blood clots. She will possibly be on a $600 a month drug for the rest of her life , but she's well worth it..........oldwood...............Just a suggestion , stay away from any more jabs. Blessings to everyone that the covid jabs don't damage your hearts , as well. We were all lied to.
Oldwood, God bless you and your wife, hope a full recovery is in store!
I kinda look forward to winter these days. It provides me with the closest thing I can get to a boring day when nothing happens. Most exciting thing is usually watching the lap leopards chase each other around the house. Then the phone rings and everything goes to heck...
Ice fishing for salmon if it gets cold again. It's raining now.
Powder horns and measures. Never ending.
Planning out the upcoming bee season. All my hives are still alive and I'm going to need a lot of woodenware for the splits come May. I have to find more room for about 20 additional hives.

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