Bilik: I use a vernier caliper because I was trained to use one many years ago, before they made the digital. I also have vernier calipers that only measure in inches, and not MM. Buy what you want. Both can be used to measure patching material and RB. With material, its difficult to get accurate readings.
I have a new micrometer with the rachet stop, but I have used it as well as an older model, and can't find where the new one really offers me much help on something soft like fabric. Since fabric has to be washed to remove the sizing the companies put in it for marketing, and then dried, the dimension will, and should be expected to change a bit as a result of washing and drying. We are talking less than a .001" in change, however, so don't pull out any hairs. :surrender: Usually the fabric tightens up and gets thicker, BTW.
Round balls, even those that are swaged at the factory, rarely are truly round. The dimensions will change depending on what part of the ball you are measuring by a few 10 thousandths on the low end to more than a thousandth of an inch on the high end. For best accuracy you want to sort the balls to separate out the extremes. The rest can be used for informal plinking, or shooting off-hand, where you can't take advantage of all that added consistency anyway. Sorting is done for bench rest shooting, where the name of the game is tiny groups in the 10-X ring. If that is not your bag, don't spend a lot of time measuring and sorting balls, swaged, or cast.