Camp Cooking-looking for ideas

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Here is a good 18th century recipe:

Take 2 lbs venison or beef cubed in approx. 1" cubes, roll them in salt/peppered flour and brown in lard or oil in a 12" dutch oven. Take the meat out of the oven and set aside.
Thick slice 3 or 4 granny smith apples or any good cooking apple and thick slice the same number of onions. Cook both apples & onions in the drippings fron the meat until the onions are tender and the apples are not mushy.
Add the meat back into the pot and when hot serve.
Very easy to eat and only one pot to clean. :front:
Well, if you are looking for PC fare you may want to skip this post, but if you are interested here are two tasty and easy campfire recipes.

Lay about 4 or 5 strips of bacon on a sheet of aluminum foil. Slice a potato on top of the bacon and a freshly caught trout on top of the potato. Add a slice of lemon inside the trout, and some more slices of potato on top. put a couple more strips of bacon on top and wrap it up so that only the bacon touches the foil and bury it in the coals for 15 or 20 minutes. Season it any way you like, but salt and pepper works fine for me.

Also try flattening out a couple of those canned biscuits, put slightly under-cooked scrambled eggs, sausage, and cheese on top of one and cover it with the other one. Pinch the edges of the two biscuits together all around and bake this until the biscuits start to brown.

Are S'mores PC?
Are S'mores PC?

I dont think so but we always have them... the kids would mutiny otherwise lol...

Flash and Primitive.. those are pretty fine looking recipes... thanks for posting....
Howdy Pilgrims! Both my fulltime night woman and myself are Diabetic, and since it is almost an epidemic here in the
USA, I want to tell you about an axclunt, acl... exlan... a great book of recipes. The book is called, "FIX IT AND FORGET IT". It is designed for all Crockpot cooking, but I have found that almost all the recipes are adaptable to Dutch Oven cooking, and they are GREAT!!
Watchyer Topknot!
Bearclaw :results:
I really like[url][/url]. They have great ideas, and what I love the most is the calculator they have. I cook for allot of people sometimes, and I can adjust the recipe, for the amount of folks at the table :thumbsup:
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Yea if YOU want to try a great meal, try cooking a roast of beef, or pork in a duch oven. Place turnip, potatoes, parsnips, ( if YOU like a little sourKraut also) in the bottom with a couple of cups of water. Then put the roast right aon top. Throw the lid on and Let it cook for an hour and a half to two... WOW it'll knock your :hatsoff: socks off. We have tried this with peamal Bacon as well this great stuff but expensive...
Best regards Loyalist Dawg
Another easy breakfast. Brown hamburger, or sausage until done, set aside. While you are doing this fry up some potatoes/onions. Salt and peper to taste, mix in the meat and on top of all of this add as many eggs as needed(about three per person) now finish cooking just as you would scrambled eggs. Serve with any toast or biskets or by itself. WARNING-- Children will want to smother this with ketchup, go ahead and let them, you're only a kid once :)

Another easy breakfast. Brown hamburger, or sausage until done, set aside. While you are doing this fry up some potatoes/onions. Salt and peper to taste, mix in the meat and on top of all of this add as many eggs as needed(about three per person) now finish cooking just as you would scrambled eggs. Serve with any toast or biskets or by itself. WARNING-- Children will want to smother this with ketchup, go ahead and let them, you're only a kid once :)


Hmmm, I think maybe a healthy dose of Tobasco sauce would be mighty fine on a breakfast like that.

Just did a venison stew this weekend in the ol dutch oven.

4 pounds stew meat
2 large onions
2 lbs carrots
bunch a potatoes
salt, pepper, cuyan pepper
few parsnips

cook slow all day.
feeds an army! :hatsoff:
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