Before I moved to Ohio, I bred donkeys for ranchers - they protect the cattle herds from coyotes and wolves.
BUT - they also make excellent pack animals!
It is fairly easy to train a donkey to carry a packsaddle (downsized a bit!) for extended periods of time. And like mules, they are extremely sure footed. And if you don't weigh over 250 lb. or so, they can carry you.
Donkeys are also easy to care for. Some hay, a scoop or two of sweet feed, water supply - all you really need. A cookie will help you make friends with the gentle animals.
And donkeys are also creatures of habit - they will make all their poops in one small area, and the manure is excellent fertilizer for your wife's garden. You will need a good-sized fenced backyard - I usually held two donkeys on 1/3 acre. A tree or a shed will protect them from weather.
BUT - they also make excellent pack animals!
It is fairly easy to train a donkey to carry a packsaddle (downsized a bit!) for extended periods of time. And like mules, they are extremely sure footed. And if you don't weigh over 250 lb. or so, they can carry you.
Donkeys are also easy to care for. Some hay, a scoop or two of sweet feed, water supply - all you really need. A cookie will help you make friends with the gentle animals.
And donkeys are also creatures of habit - they will make all their poops in one small area, and the manure is excellent fertilizer for your wife's garden. You will need a good-sized fenced backyard - I usually held two donkeys on 1/3 acre. A tree or a shed will protect them from weather.