Can shot be used in a revolver and the answer is why not?
The revolver used in this test is a .44 caliber Pietta Marshal 5 ½” barrel.
Testing different volumes of GOEX FFFg powder and equal volumes of # 7 ½ shot the one that gave the best results was a 1.0 cc dipper of powder,(aproximately 15 grain volume) a very thin wad to keep the powder from getting into the shot column the same dipper of shot and a 1/8” lubricated felt wad. That wad was used to secure the load but a thin paper wad and some heavy grease or bullet lube should suffice.
If this would be carried using Duco cement should be used to glue a top wad in place.
At 15 to 20 feet this load drove the shot through both sides of a soft drink can. The pattern seemed to be pretty even. The aiming point was the can center and it was well riddled.
This is what worked for me if you have a better/different idea let's hear it.
After trying seven or eight different combinations this one seemed to be the best balanced but the amount of fouling was phenomenal. It took six soaking wet patches to mostly clear the residue.
If you don’t have a set of Lee dippers, a .40 S&W empty case will be very close to the 1 cc.
It is doubtful that a .36 chamber would have enough volume to be successful, but other than cleaning, there should be no danger.
This was done with real Black Gunpowder I cannot speak for using any of the substitutes.
Respectfully submitted