<<<Would anyone in their right mind care to go up against one of these persons in a friendly shooting match on targets at 25ft?>>>
5. Bluff with a revolver? I can see into your cylinder (as is true with all revolvers) which gives me a pretty good idea whether or not you are bluffing.
6. Which type is faster?
While I agree that bigger is better and quantity and quality are both considerations... I would like to make a comment about the "bluffing"
IF, God forbid, I should ever (and I hope I NEVER have to), have to pull/draw down on someone, the lead will be flying much too fast from my "shooter", for someone to try and take a peak into the face of my cylinder (or muzzle).
I don't know how the rest of you were taught, or maybe you didn't have to take classes, or you get your CCW or whatever a different way... to pull a gun and just hold it on someone is assault with a deadly weapon--and YOU can be the one arrested for that. There is no Marquis of Queesberry rules or etiquette involved here, you don't "shoot to kill", you "shoot to live" (to save your life, NOT the attacker's).
I always understood that if I pull a gun, I better use it ASAP, and if I use it, I'm not going to be bluffing or just holding it on someone hopeing that they'll chicken out.
It is most definitely NOT "a game of chicken" with firearms. There are no TV shows, video games, or "live fire IDPA-? pistol games" that are going to give you what you need, IF you have to use a gun for self-defense.
I think we've probably about used up our host's graciousness on this subject. I had gotten the impression that the whole topic was just a hypothetical question anyway. Even if it was meant to garner actual situational responses or comments, this is a VERY serious subject.
I don't make my living with firearms, and I don't want anyone else to "make my dying" with their firearms. I do enjoy target shooting (even with those "toy" foam dart and softair guns--just about anything that shoots is intersting to me), and (as my health permits) I find hunting to be a very nice recreational pastime also. Beyond that, "most" of what any of us have to say is subjective and possibly conjecture. Y'all take care of yourselves, ya hear?