Caps falling off

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Well here we go, you call me out on my work when you've never seen anything I've done, you also don't know me or my back ground. I try to treat others the way I expect to be treated but in your case that's out the door. So a little advice here. not that you would heed it, be careful who you insult, it may come back and bite you on the keister. You still haven't answered my questions earlier about bolt guides and action stops and such. Sometimes you actually start to make sense and then you say something so stupid it defies logic and common sense. I personally think you are dealing with health issues that are addling your wits.
Neither are necessary ( bolt guides or action stops) when parts are fit and hardened properly. The bolt window has the best leverage position via the bolt and cylinder notch in con junction with good fit of all components to stop cylinder inertia. All the extra hardware is farther away from the strongest leverage points that apparently are outside your vary narrow scope of understanding.
I've never witnessed any of that crap on Cassuls or Ruger customs just excellent fit with some new over sized parts mate fitted.
There probably is an extra hardware justification for fast draw and fanning revolvers but it is pointless for normal use or target work guns.
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